Whipps Cross Road, E11

Road in/near Whipps Cross

(51.57792 0.00941, 51.577 0.009) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Road · * · E11 ·
Whipps Cross Road is a road in the E10 postcode area

TIP: See that row below the map saying MAP YEAR? Click a year to find out what was on the map in a particular decade. (The other control top right shows everything - existing or not - when you change maps.

Ambulance Road, E11 Ambulance Road is a road in the E11 postcode area (Whipps Cross)
Back Road, E11 Back Road is a road in the E11 postcode area (Whipps Cross)
Bridge Road, E11 Bridge Road is a road in the E11 postcode area (Whipps Cross)
Clare Road, E11 Clare Road is a road in the E11 postcode area (Leytonstone)
Dyson Road, E11 Dyson Road was at first called East Road (Leytonstone)
Fladgate Road, E11 Fladgate Road was built as part of the Wallwood Estate (Leytonstone)
Forest Glade, E11 Forest Glade is one of the streets of London in the E11 postal area (Leytonstone)
Hospital Road, E11 Hospital Road is a road in the E11 postcode area (Whipps Cross)
Maple Road, E11 Maple Road was developed as the northernmost road on the Wallwood Estate (Leytonstone)
Margaret Road, E11 Margaret Road is a road in the E11 postcode area (Whipps Cross)
Preston Road, E11 Preston Road dates from the last decade of the Victorian era (Leytonstone)
St Andrew’s Road, E11 St Andrew’s Road runs off Colworth Road (Leytonstone)
St. James Lane, E11 A street within the E10 postcode (Leytonstone)
Whipps Cross Road, E11 Whipps Cross Road was originally Phipps Cross Lane (Whipps Cross)
Whipps Cross Road, E11 Whipps Cross Road is a road in the E10 postcode area (Whipps Cross)
Whipps Cross Road, E11 Whipps Cross Road is a road in the E17 postcode area (Whipps Cross)
Whipps Cross Roundabout, E11 Whipps Cross Roundabout is a road in the E17 postcode area (Whipps Cross)

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