Parkgate House, KT3

Block in/near Malden

(51.3937528 -0.2396715, 51.393 -0.239) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Block · * · KT3 ·
Parkgate House is a block on West Barnes Lane.

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Appleton Gardens, KT3 Appleton Gardens is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Arthur Road, KT3 Arthur Road is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Barnes End, KT3 Barnes End is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Blakes Terrace, KT3 Blakes Terrace is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Byron Avenue, KT3 Byron Avenue is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Claremont Avenue, KT3 Claremont Avenue is a road in the KT3 postcode area (Motspur Park)
Cobham Avenue, KT3 Cobham Avenue is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Consfield Avenue, KT3 Consfield Avenue is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Hopton Gardens, KT3 Hopton Gardens is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Hornbeam Gardens, KT3 A street within the KT3 postcode
Marina Avenue, KT3 Marina Avenue is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Motspur Park, KT3 Motspur Park is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Nursery, KT3 A street within the KT3 postcode
Parkgate House, KT3 Parkgate House is a block on West Barnes Lane
Phyllis Avenue, KT3 Phyllis Avenue is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Stanley Avenue, KT3 Stanley Avenue is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Station Road, KT3 Station Road is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Tennyson Avenue, KT3 Tennyson Avenue is a road in the KT3 postcode area
The Grange, KT3 The Grange is a road in the KT3 postcode area
Training Ground, KT3 A street within the KT3 postcode

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