Oakleigh Park Farm was immediately south of where Chandos Avenue is now.
The growing suburban demand for milk ensured that local dairy farms flourished. Oakleigh Park Farm was situated on High Road Whetstone.
Manor Farm Dairies were founded in 1875 by Joseph Wilmington Lane and joined in the 1920s with United Dairies, which had been founded in 1917. There were two farms in the group - Manor Farm, Highgate and Oakleigh Park Farm, Whetstone. The head offices were in High Street, Whetstone, and later in High Road, East Finchley. Manor farm survived until 1932. Dairying also featured on the Woodhouse estate in 1902 and on Park farm (Bibwell) for many years before 1918 until the fields were sold for building.
There were also other farms in Whetstone itself.
Blue House Farm was between the modern Chandos Avenue and The Black Bull and Brook Farm, on the eastern side of Whetstone High Road, had been acquired by Finchley UDC in 1912 to provide cricket and football pitches and allotments
There were three dairies in Whetstone at the time of the First World War and the cows grazed on Whetstone Stray and be driven back across the road.
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