Uphavering House, RM12

Block in/near Hornchurch

(51.5575676 0.2066449, 51.557 0.206) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Block · * · RM12 ·
Uphavering House is a block on Parkhill Close.

TIP: See that row below the map saying MAP YEAR? Click a year to find out what was on the map in a particular decade. (The other control top right shows everything - existing or not - when you change maps.

Abbs Cross Lane, RM12 Abbs Cross Lane is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Hornchurch)
Apollo Close, RM12 Apollo Close is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Romford)
Bedford Gardens, RM12 A street within the RM12 postcode (Hornchurch)
Belmont Road, RM12 A street within the RM12 postcode (Hornchurch)
Benhurstreet Avenue, RM12 A street within the RM12 postcode (Elm Park)
Bethany Close, RM12 Bethany Close is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Hornchurch)
Beulah Road, RM12 Beulah Road is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Elm Park)
Bruce Avenue, RM12 Bruce Avenue is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Hornchurch)
Cedar Road, RM12 Cedar Road is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Elm Park)
Creasey Close, RM11 Creasey Close is a road in the RM11 postcode area (Romford)
Devonshire Road, RM12 Devonshire Road is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Hornchurch)
Guardian Close, RM11 Guardian Close is a road in the RM11 postcode area (Romford)
Henderson Close, RM11 Henderson Close is a road in the RM11 postcode area (Romford)
Mansfield Gardens, RM12 A street within the RM12 postcode (Hornchurch)
Marchmant Close, RM12 A street within the RM12 postcode (Hornchurch)
Overstrand House, RM12 Overstrand House is a block on Sunrise Avenue (Hornchurch)
Parish Close, RM11 Parish Close is a road in the RM11 postcode area (Romford)
Parkhill Close, RM12 Parkhill Close is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Hornchurch)
Parkview House, RM12 Parkview House can be found on Sunrise Avenue (Hornchurch)
Pett Close, RM11 Pett Close is a road in the RM11 postcode area (Romford)
Pett Close, RM11 Pett Close is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Romford)
Priors Park, RM12 Priors Park is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Hornchurch)
Shirley Gardens, RM12 Shirley Gardens is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Hornchurch)
Skeales Court, RM12 Skeales Court is a location in London (Elm Park)
Stanley Close, RM12 Stanley Close is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Hornchurch)
Steed Close, RM11 Steed Close is a road in the RM11 postcode area (Romford)
Steed Close, RM12 Steed Close is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Romford)
Sunrise Avenue, RM12 Sunrise Avenue is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Hornchurch)
Suttons Avenue, RM12 Suttons Avenue is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Hornchurch)
Uphavering House, RM12 Uphavering House is a block on Parkhill Close (Hornchurch)
Urban Avenue H, RM12 A street within the RM12 postcode (Hornchurch)
Urban Avenue, RM12 Urban Avenue is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Hornchurch)
Warren Drive, RM12 Warren Drive is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Elm Park)
White Gates, RM12 A street within the RM12 postcode (Hornchurch)
Willow Close, RM12 Willow Close is a road in the RM12 postcode area (Elm Park)

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