Co-ordinate near to Blackwall Tunnel, Blackwall (E14 9PA)

Postcode in/near Blackwall, existing between 1966 and now

(51.505 -0.004, 51.505 -0.004) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Postcode · * · E14 ·
Postcode E14 9PA centred at latitude 51.505, longitude -0.004


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Blackwall Tunnel The Blackwall Tunnel is a pair of road tunnels which pass underneath the River Thames.
Greenwich Peninsula The Greenwich Peninsula is bounded on three sides by a loop of the Thames, between the Isle of Dogs to the west and Silvertown to the east.
Poplar Dock Poplar Dock is a small dock that connects to the Blackwall Basin of the West India Docks.

Adventurers Court, E14 Adventurers Court is a block on Newport Avenue (East India)
Albert Court South, E14 Albert Court South is a building in Blackwall (Blackwall)
Arniston Way, E14 Arniston Way is a location in London (Blackwall)
Arora Tower, E14 Arora Tower can be found on Blackwall Tunnel (North Greenwich)
Arran House, E14 Arran House is located on Prestons Road (Canary Wharf)
Aspen Way, E14 Aspen Way is a road in the E14 postcode area (Poplar)
Atlantic Court, E14 Atlantic Court is a block on Jamestown Way (East India)
Aurora Building, E14 Aurora Building is a building on Blackwall Way (Blackwall)
Baffin Way, E14 Baffin Way is a newer road, dating from the 1990s (Blackwall)
Bartholomew Court, E14 Bartholomew Court is a block on Jamestown Way (East India)
Biscayne Avenue, E14 Biscayne Avenue is a 1990s-vintage road (Blackwall)
Blackwall Way, E14 Blackwall Way dates from the seventeenth century (Blackwall)
Blue Bridge, E14 Blue Bridge is a road in the SW1H postcode area (Canary Wharf)
Boardwalk Place, E14 Boardwalk Place is one of the streets of London in the E14 postal area (Canary Wharf)
Bridge House Quay, E14 Bridge House Quay was part of the Wates Built Homes scheme designed by Whittam, Cox, Ellis & Clayton on the site of the Blackwall Graving Dock (Canary Wharf)
Broadway Walk, E14 Broadway Walk is a road in the E14 postcode area (Canary Wharf)
Cape Henry Court, E14 Cape Henry Court is located on Jamestown Way (East India)
Charrington Tower, E14 Charrington Tower is a block on Biscayne Avenue (Blackwall)
Cold Harbour, E14 Cold Harbour is one of the streets of London in the E14 postal area (Canary Wharf)
Commodore House, E14 Commodore House is a block on Poplar High Street (Poplar)
Corona Building, E14 Corona Building is a block on Blackwall Way (Blackwall)
Dominion Walk, E14 A street within the E14 postcode (Blackwall)
Elligood Court, E14 Elligood Court is a block on Poplar High Street (Blackwall)
Fairmont Avenue, E14 Fairmont Avenue is one of the streets of London in the E14 postal area (Blackwall)
Gaselee Street, E14 A street within the E14 postcode (Blackwall)
Harbour Quay, E14 Harbour Quay is an Isle of Dogs development
Horatio Place, E14 A street within the E14 postcode (Canary Wharf)
Horizons Tower, E14 Horizons Tower can be found on Yabsley Street (Canary Wharf)
Jamestown Way, E14 Jamestown Way is a road in the E14 postcode area (East India)
John Smith Mews, E14 John Smith Mews is a road of the Virginia Quay development (East India)
Kintyre House, E14 Kintyre House is a block on Cold Harbour (Canary Wharf)
Lancaster Drive, E14 Lancaster Drive was designed by WCEC Architects for the Wates Group and was completed circa 1985 (Canary Wharf)
Landon Walk, E14 Landon Walk is a dockside walkway (Canary Wharf)
Landons Close, E14 Landons Close is part of the Jamestown Harbour development of 73 low-density homes, situated between Poplar Dock and Blackwall Marina (Canary Wharf)
Lewis House, E14 Lewis House can be found on Cold Harbour (Canary Wharf)
Longitude House, E14 Despite its name, Longitude House lies 0.0019 degrees west of the Prime Meridian (East India)
Lovegrove Walk, E14 Lovegrove Walk is a road in the E14 postcode area (Canary Wharf)
Lumina Building, E14 Lumina Building is a block on Prestons Road (Blackwall)
Maple House, E14 Maple House is a block on Blackwall Way (Blackwall)
Michigan Building, E14 Michigan Building is a block on Biscayne Avenue (Blackwall)
Mikardo Court, E14 Mikardo Court is a building on Poplar High Street (Poplar)
Myers Walk, E14 A street within the E14 postcode (Canary Wharf)
New Providence Wharf, E14 A street within the E14 postcode (Blackwall)
Newport Avenue, E14 Newport Avenue is one of the streets of London in the E14 postal area (East India)
North Dockside, E14 North Dockside is a road in the E14 postcode area (Blackwall)
Ontario Tower, E14 Ontario Tower is a block on Fairmont Avenue (Blackwall)
Paul Julius Close, E14 Paul Julius Close is a road in the E14 postcode area (East India)
Polaris Apartments, E14 Polaris Apartments is a block on Prestons Road (Canary Wharf)
Prestage Way, E14 Prestage Way is one of the streets of London in the E14 postal area (Blackwall)
Preston’s Road, E14 This is a street in the E14 postcode area (Canary Wharf)
Prime Meridian Walk, E14 Prime Meridian Walk is one of a number of hopeful local misnamings (East India)
Province Square, E14 A street within the E14 postcode (Blackwall)
Raleana Road, E14 Raleana Road is a road in the E14 postcode area (Canary Wharf)
Scouler Street, E14 Scouler Street lies off of Quixley Street (Blackwall)
Sexton Court, E14 Sexton Court is a block on Blackwall Way (East India)
St Lawrence Street, E14 St Lawrence Street connects Prestons Road with Blackwall Way (Blackwall)
St. Lawrence Street, E14 Albert Court North is a building in Blackwall (Blackwall)
Streamlight Tower, E14 Streamlight Tower is a building on Blackwall Way (Blackwall)
Studley Court, E14 Studley Court is a block on Jamestown Way (East India)
Susan Constant Court, E14 Susan Constant Court can be found on Newport Avenue (East India)
The Blue Bridge, E14 The Blue Bridge is a road in the E14 postcode area (Canary Wharf)
The Old Pump House, E14 The Old Pump House is a block on Prestons Road (Blackwall)
Trafalgar Way, E14 Trafalgar Way is one of the streets of London in the E14 postal area (Canary Wharf)
Up At The 02, SE10 Up At The 02 is a road in the SE10 postcode area (North Greenwich)
Wickes House, E14 Wickes House is a block on Poplar High Street (Poplar)
Williamsburg Plaza, E14 A street within the E14 postcode (Poplar)
Wingfield Court, E14 Wingfield Court is sited on Newport Avenue (East India)
Wotton Court, E14 Wotton Court can be found on Jamestown Way (East India)
Yabsley Street, E14 Yabsley Street was a rebuilt Russell Street which had existed before the Blackwall Tunnell was built (Blackwall)

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