Postcode SE7 8BB

Postcode in/near Charlton, existing between 1966 and now

(51.486 0.036, 51.486 0.036) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Postcode · * · SE7 ·
Postcode SE7 8BB centred at latitude 51.486, longitude 0.036


The Underground Map project is creating street histories for the areas of London and surrounding counties lying within the M25.

The aim of the project is to find the location every street in London, whether past or present, and tell its story. This project aims to be a service to historians, genealogists and those with an interest in urban design.

The website features a series of maps from the 1750s until the 1950s. You can see how London grows over the decades.

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licence

Charlton ’Charlton next Woolwich’ was an ancient parish in the county of Kent, which became part of the metropolitan area of London in 1855.

Barney Close, SE7 Barney Close is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Beacham Close, SE7 Beacham Close is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Charlton Church Lane, SE7 Charlton Church Lane leads south from Woolwich Road (Charlton)
Charlton Lane, SE7 Charlton Lane is an ancient lane of Charlton (Charlton)
Coombe Lodge, SE7 Coombe Lodge is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Coxmount Road, SE7 Coxmount Road is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Delafield Road, SE7 Delafield Road is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Elliscombe Road, SE7 Elliscombe Road is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Empire Close, SE7 Empire Close is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Fairfield Grove, SE7 Fairfield Grove is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Fletching Road, SE7 Fletching Road is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Floyd Road, SE7 Floyd Road is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Gallions Road, SE7 Gallions Road is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Gallon Close, SE7 Gallon Close is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Gooding House, SE7 Gooding House is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Guild Road, SE7 Guild Road is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Hardens Manorway, SE7 Hardens Manorway is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Harvey Gardens, SE7 Harvey Gardens is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Hickin Close, SE7 Hickin Close is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Horizon Way, SE7 Horizon Way is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Joyce Page Close, SE7 Joyce Page Close is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Lansdowne Lane, SE7 Lansdowne Lane is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Lansdowne Mews, SE7 Lansdowne Mews is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Lansdowne Workshops, SE7 Lansdowne Workshops is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Nadine Street, SE7 Nadine Street is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Pound Park Road, SE7 Pound Park Road connects Charlton Lane and Thorntree Road (Charlton)
Priolo Road, SE7 Priolo Road is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Ransom Walk, SE7 Ransom Walk is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Sam Bartram Close, SE7 Sam Bartram Close is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
St Pauls Close, SE7 St Pauls Close is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Stone Late Retail Park, SE7 Stone Late Retail Park is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Stonelake Ind Park, SE7 Stonelake Ind Park is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Sundorne Road, SE7 Sundorne Road is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Swallowfield Road, SE7 Swallowfield Road is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Tallis Grove, SE7 Tallis Grove is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
The Fairfield Health Centre, SE7 The Fairfield Health Centre is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
The Heights, SE7 The Heights is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
The Village, SE7 The Village is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Thorntree Road, SE7 Thorntree Road is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Troughton Road, SE7 Troughton Road is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Valley Grove, SE7 Valley Grove is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Victoria Way, SE7 Victoria Way is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Warren Court, SE7 Warren Court is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Wellington Gardens, SE7 Wellington Gardens is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
Wellington Mews, SE7 Wellington Mews is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)
William Close, SE7 William Close is a location in London (Charlton)
Wolfe Crescent, SE7 Wolfe Crescent is a road in the SE7 postcode area (Charlton)
Wolffe Gardens, SE7 Wolffe Gardens is a road in the E15 postcode area (Charlton)
Woolwich Road, SE7 Woolwich Road is one of the streets of London in the SE7 postal area (Charlton)

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