Bardsley Close, CR0

Road in/near Shirley

(51.37159 -0.08329, 51.371 -0.083) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Road · * · CR0 ·
A street within the CR0 postcode

TIP: See that row below the map saying MAP YEAR? Click a year to find out what was on the map in a particular decade. (The other control top right shows everything - existing or not - when you change maps.

Addiscombe Grove, CR0 Addiscombe Grove is a road in the CR9 postcode area
Addiscombe Grove, CR0 Addiscombe Grove is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Addiscombe Road, CR0 Addiscombe Road first appeared on a map dated 1594 (Sandilands)
Alpine Close, CR0 Alpine Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Anselm Close, CR0 Anselm Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Bardsley Close, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Bernards, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Bracewood Gardens, CR0 Bracewood Gardens is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Carnoustie Court, CR0 Carnoustie Court is located on Addiscombe Grove
Cedar View Close, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Chepstow Rise, CR0 Chepstow Rise is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Chepstow Road, CR0 Chepstow Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Chichester Road, CR0 Chichester Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Chiltern Close, CR0 Chiltern Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Church Bungalow Chichester Road, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
CityLink House, CR0 CityLink House is a block on Addiscombe Road
Cotelands, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Coverdale Gardens, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Crusader Gardens, CR0 Crusader Gardens is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Danecourt Gardens, CR0 Danecourt Gardens is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Deans Close, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Deepdene Avenue, CR0 Deepdene Avenue is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Delmey Close, CR0 Delmey Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Digby Place, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Engadine Close, CR0 Engadine Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Fairfield Path, CR0 Fairfield Path is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Fairfield Road, CR0 Fairfield Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Fleetwood Close, CR0 Fleetwood Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Garrick Crescent, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
GoAhead House, CR0 GoAhead House is a block on Addiscombe Road
Granville Close, CR0 Granville Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Green Acres, CR0 Green Acres is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Harding Close, CR0 Harding Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Harland Avenue, CR0 Harland Avenue is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Homefield Place, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Langton Way, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Latitude Apartments, CR0 Latitude Apartments is a block on Fairfield Road
Leafy Grove, CR0 Leafy Grove is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Leafy Way, CR0 Leafy Way is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Leyburn Gardens, CR0 Leyburn Gardens is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Lyndhurst Close, CR0 Lyndhurst Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Maresfield, CR0 Maresfield is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Merlin Close, CR0 Merlin Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Minster Drive, CR0 Minster Drive is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Pageant Walk, CR0 Pageant Walk is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Park Hill Rise, CR0 Park Hill Rise is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Park Hill Road, CR0 Park Hill Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Paul Gardens, CR0 Paul Gardens is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Radcliffe Road, CR0 Radcliffe Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Ranmore Avenue, CR0 Ranmore Avenue is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Reynolds Way, CR0 Reynolds Way is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Rochester Gardens, CR0 Rochester Gardens is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Rowan Gardens, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Savile Gardens, CR0 Savile Gardens is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Selborne Road, CR0 Selborne Road is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Spring Apartments, CR0 Spring Apartments is a block on Addiscombe Grove
St Arvans Close, CR0 St Arvans Close leads off Chepstow Rise
St Bernards, CR0 St Bernards is a road in the CR0 postcode area
St Clairs Road, CR0 St Clairs Road is a cul-de-sac off of Park Hill Road
Stanhope Road, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Sudbury Gardens, CR0 Sudbury Gardens is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Thanescroft Gardens, CR0 Thanescroft Gardens is a road in the CR0 postcode area
The Avenue, CR0 The Avenue is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Tidenham Gardens, CR0 Tidenham Gardens is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Turnpike Link, CR0 Turnpike Link is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Waldegrove, CR0 Waldegrove is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Weaver Close, CR0 Weaver Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area
Willow Mount, CR0 A street within the CR0 postcode
Woodbury Close, CR0 Woodbury Close is a road in the CR0 postcode area

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