Co-ordinate near to Galena Road, Hammersmith (W6 0LT)

Postcode in/near Hammersmith, existing between 1966 and now.

(51.493 -0.233, 51.493 -0.233) 
MAP YEAR:175018001810182018301860190019502024 
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Postcode · * · W6 ·
Postcode W6 0LT centred at latitude 51.493, longitude -0.233


Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licence

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None so far :(

Added: 7 Jul 2024 16:26 GMT   

Haycroft Gardens, NW10
My Grandfather bought No 45 Buchanan Gdns in I believe 1902 and died ther in the early 1950s

Added: 7 Jul 2024 16:20 GMT   

Haycroft Gardens, NW10
I lived in No 7 from 1933 to 1938


Sylvia guiver   
Added: 4 Jul 2024 14:52 GMT   

Grandparents 1937 lived 37 Blandford Square
Y mother and all her sisters and brother lived there, before this date , my parent wedding photographers were take in the square, I use to visit with my mother I remember the barge ballon in the square in the war.

Born here
Roy Mathieson   
Added: 27 Jun 2024 16:25 GMT   

St Saviours
My great grandmother was born in Bowling Green Lane in 1848. The family moved from there to Earl Terrace, Bermondsey in 1849. I have never been able to locate Earl Terrace on maps.


Added: 26 Jun 2024 13:10 GMT   

Buckhurst Street, E1
Mt grandfather, Thomas Walton Ward had a musical instrument workshop in Buckhurst Street from 1934 until the street was bombed during the war. Grandfather was a partner in the musical instrument firm of R.J. Ward and Sons of Liverpool. He died in 1945 and is buried in a common grave at Abney Park Cemetery.

Lived here
Mike Dowling   
Added: 15 Jun 2024 15:51 GMT   

Family ties (1936 - 1963)
The Dowling family lived at number 13 Undercliffe Road for
Nearly 26 years. Next door was the Harris family

Evie Helen   
Added: 13 Jun 2024 00:03 GMT   

Vickers Road
The road ’Vickers Road’ is numbered rather differently to other roads in the area as it was originally built as housing for the "Vickers" arms factory in the late 1800’s and early 1900s. Most of the houses still retain the original 19th century tiling and drainage outside of the front doors.


Paul Harris    
Added: 12 Jun 2024 12:54 GMT   

Ellen Place, E1
My mother’s father and his family lived at 31 Ellen Place London E1 have a copy of the 1911 census showing this


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Shepherd's Bush Road, W6
TUM image id: 1488542121
Licence: CC BY 2.0
Ravenscourt Park
Credit: IG/elaiineowe
TUM image id: 1653861576
Licence: CC BY 2.0

In the neighbourhood...

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Shepherd's Bush Road, W6
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Ravenscourt Park
Credit: IG/elaiineowe
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Stage hands at the Lyric Opera House, Hammersmith (1897) Later called the Lyric Theatre, it had been redesigned in 1895 and opened by Lille Langtry
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Cambridge Road (now Cambridge Grove) during the Edwardian period. A District Line train is crossing the bridge.

Carthew Road, Hammersmith (1920s) Carthew Road was originally part of an agricultural area called Bradford Fords This was known for its orchards and vegetable beds in the 18th century and was irrigated by Stamford Brook. The arrival of the Hammersmith & City Railway in 1864 greatly accelerated development and by the 1890s, Carthew Road was fully built up.

Margaret House - an original section of the Caroline Estate built in the early twentieth-century. The London County Council extended the estate in 1953. In the background, you can see a tall red-brick building with prominent chimneys. This was another housing estate, which was owned and run by the Peabody Trust. Previously, the site had been home to the Convent of the Good Shepherd, which closed in 1920.
Credit: London Metropolitan Archives
Licence: CC BY 2.0

Glenthorne Road looking east towards St John’s Church (1901)
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10-16 Grove Mews, c. 1906 Finch & Son occupied 10-11 for several years and expanded to no.9 from 1912.

Charlotte House, Hammersmith stands on the location of The Cannon pub, pictured here in 1900
Licence: CC BY 2.0

The Cannon Inn on Queen Charlotte Street (1952) The road to the right was Ship Lane - showing houses on the street ready for demolition, along with Ship Lane itself.
Licence: CC BY 2.0

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