High Street, KT20

Road in/near Tadworth

(51.28825 -0.23211, 51.288 -0.232) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Road · * · KT20 ·
High Street is a road in the KT20 postcode area

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Tadworth Tadworth is a suburban village in Surrey situated in the south-east area of the Epsom Downs.

Chapel Road, KT20 Chapel Road is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Crosshatch House, KT20 Crosshatch House is sited on Cross Road (Tadworth)
Heathside court, KT20 Heathside court is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
High Street, KT20 High Street is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Killowen Close, KT20 A street within the KT20 postcode (Tadworth)
Kings Court, KT20 Kings Court is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Lywood Close, KT20 Lywood Close is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Meare Close, KT20 Meare Close is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Mere Road, KT20 Mere Road is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Walton on the Hill)
Mill Lane, KT20 Mill Lane is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Walton on the Hill)
Mill Road, KT20 Mill Road is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Walton on the Hill)
Miller Smith Close, KT20 A street within the KT20 postcode (Tadworth)
Millstead Close, KT20 Millstead Close is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Milstead Close, KT20 A street within the KT20 postcode (Tadworth)
New Road, KT20 New Road is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Oaklands Way, KT20 Oaklands Way is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Petersmead Close, KT20 Petersmead Close is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Proffits Cottages, KT20 A street within the KT20 postcode (Tadworth)
Spindlewoods, KT20 Spindlewoods is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Station Approach Road, KT20 Station Approach Road is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Station Approach, KT20 A street within the KT20 postcode (Tadworth)
Stoke Ridings, KT20 A street within the KT20 postcode (Tadworth)
Stokes Ridings, KT20 Stokes Ridings is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Tadworth Park, KT20 A street within the KT20 postcode (Tadworth)
Tadworth Street, KT20 Tadworth Street is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
The Avenue, KT20 The Avenue is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
The Drive, KT20 The Drive is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
The Green, KT20 The Green is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
The Hoppety, KT20 The Hoppety is a road running south from Tadworth Street (Tadworth)
The Lye, KT20 The Lye is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
The Oaks, KT20 A street within the KT20 postcode (Tadworth)
Tower Road, KT20 Tower Road is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Watt’s Mead, KT20 Watt’s Mead is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
Watts Mead, KT20 A street within the KT20 postcode (Tadworth)
Watt’s Lane, KT20 Watt’s Lane is a road in the KT20 postcode area (Tadworth)
White Lodge Close, KT20 A street within the KT20 postcode (Tadworth)

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