Calverley Street, E1

Road in/near Stepney Green, existed between the 1870s and 1938

(51.52182 -0.04411, 51.521 -0.044) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502024 
Road · * · E1 ·
Calverley Street (as Calverley Walk) disappeared when the Ocean Estate was built over its site.

It ran down to Ely Terrace and was first seen on the map of the 1870s.

It replaced a Jewish hospital, previously located on Mile End Road.

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Black Boy The Black Boy public house stood on the Mile End Road.
Stepney Green Stepney Green tube station lies on the corner of Mile End Road and Globe Road in the Stepney neighbourhood of east London.
Wickhams Wickhams was a department store on the north side of the Mile End Road in London.

Adams House, E1 Adams House is a Grade II listed block of offices (Stepney Green)
Adriatic House, E1 Adriatic House is located on Ernest Street (Stepney Green)
Alderney Road, E1 Alderney Road began as a pathway called Alderney Place during the 1830s (Stepney Green)
Alfred Street, E1 Alfred Street was the precursor street to Shandy Street (Stepney Green)
Allport Mews, E1 Allport Mews lies off Stepney Green itself (Stepney Green)
Amiel Street, E1 Amiel Street is one of ten streets commemorating Stepney residents killed in the air raids of the Second World War (Stepney Green)
Anchor House, E1 Anchor House is a block on Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Anchor Terrace, E1 Anchor Terrace is a named section of Cephas Avenue (Stepney Green)
Anson House, E1 Anson House is a block on Shandy Street (Stepney Green)
Arabian House, E1 Arabian House is sited on Ernst Road (Stepney Green)
Aral House, E1 Aral House is sited on Ernest Street (Stepney Green)
Argyle Road, E1 Argyle Road followed Carlton Square as an 1850s development by William Pemberton Barnes (Stepney Green)
Assembly Passage, E1 Assembly Passage is a long, cobbled walkway that leads from Mile End Road to Redmans Road (Stepney Green)
Azov House, E1 Azov House is a block on Sandalwood Close (Stepney Green)
Bale Road, E1 Bale Road runs along the southern edge of Shandy Park (Stepney Green)
Bancroft Road, E1 Bancroft Road was constructed in stages between 1820 and 1850 (Stepney Green)
Bancroft’s Almshouses, E1 Bencroft’s Hospital and School, established in 1737, was on the north side of Mile End Road (Mile End)
Bantry House, E1 Bantry House was commissioned in 1953 (Stepney Green)
Barbanel House, E1 Barbanel House is sited on Colebert Avenue (Stepney Green)
Barents House, E1 Barents House is the westernmost block on the Ocean Estate (Stepney Green)
Beatrice House, E1 Beatrice House was built after 1996 (Stepney Green)
Beaufort Gardens, E1 Beaufort Gardens runs down from Shandy Street to Trafalgar Gardens (Stepney Green)
Beaumont Grove, E1 Beaumont Grove runs south from Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Beaumont Square, E1 Beaumont Square is a garden square that was laid out in 1840 as the centerpiece of the Beaumont Estate, a housing development by Captain J T Barber Beaumont. (Stepney Green)
Beaumont Street, E1 Beaumont Street was the predecessor name to Beaumont Grove (Stepney Green)
Ben Jonson Road, E1 The satiric dramatist Ben Jonson (or Johnson) died in 1637. (Stepney Green)
Bermuda Way, E1 Bermuda Way runs between two residential blocks (Stepney Green)
Biscay House, E1 Biscay House faces Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Bootmakers Court, E1 Bootmakers Court is a block on Ben Jonson Road (Stepney Green)
Boyton Close, E1 Boyton Close covered half of the former Nicholas Street (Stepney Green)
Brilliant Street, E1 Brilliant Street was a tiny street linking Silver Street and Gold Street (Stepney Green)
Broadford House, E1 Broadford House is a block on Commodore Street (Mile End)
Calverley Street, E1 Calverley Street (as Calverley Walk) disappeared when the Ocean Estate was built over its site (Stepney Green)
Calverley Walk, E1 Calverley Street was renamed as Calverley Walk in 1938 (Stepney Green)
Cambay House, E1 Cambay House is located on Harford Street (Stepney Green)
Canal Close, E1 Canal Close is a road in the E1 postcode area (Mile End)
Candle Street, E1 Candle Street was built over the site of the former Stepney Gasworks (Stepney Green)
Carlton Square, E1 The houses in the Carlton Square area were developed in the 1850s by William Pemberton Barnes on open land known as Globe Fields. (Stepney Green)
Carlyle Mews, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Stepney Green)
Carmelo Mews, E1 Carmelo Mews is a mews behind the houses on the east side of Stepney Green (Stepney Green)
Carpenter House, E1 Carpenter House faces Trafalgar Gardens (Stepney Green)
Cephas Avenue, E1 Cephas Avenue was called St Peter’s Road until 1939 (Stepney Green)
Cephas Street, E1 One of two Silver Streets in the area along with Park Street and Peter Street became Cephas Street in 1865 (Stepney Green)
Chapman House, E1 Chapman House is sited on Westfield Way (Mile End)
Chesney House, E1 Chesney House is a block on Westfield Way (Mile End)
Chesworth Court, E1 Chesworth Court is one of the blocks grouped around Fulneck Place (Stepney Green)
Coalstore Court, E1 Coalstore Court is sited on Candle Street (Stepney Green)
Colebert Avenue, E1 Colebert Avenue was named in 1948 (Stepney Green)
Colebert House, E1 Colebert House can be found on Colebert Avenue (Stepney Green)
Colin Winter House, E1 Colin Winter House is a block on Nicholas Road (Stepney Green)
Colmar Close, E1 Colmar Close was redeveloped out of the southern part of the former Carlton Road (now Portelet Road) (Stepney Green)
Commodore Street, E1 Commodore Street is the eastern extension of Shandy Street (Stepney Green)
Coopers Close, E1 Coopers Close is a road built over the site of the Anchor Brewery (Stepney Green)
Coral House, E1 Coral House is a block on Harford Street (Stepney Green)
Cottage Court, E1 Cottage Court was situated off Hayfield Passage, first visible on the 1860s mapping (Stepney Green)
Cressy Court, E1 Cressy Court was called Little Union Place until 1937 (Stepney Green)
Cressy House, E1 Cressy House was built at the corner of Cressy Place and Hannibal Road in 1894 (Stepney Green)
Cressy Place, E1 Cressy Place is one of the older streets in Stepney Green (Stepney Green)
Dagobert House, E1 Dagobert House is a block on Smithy Street (Stepney)
Devonshire Court, E1 Devonshire Court is a block on Bancroft Road (Stepney Green)
Dongola Road, E1 Dongola Road connects Duckett Street and Harford Street (Stepney Green)
Downey House, E1 Downey House is a block on Globe Road (Stepney Green)
Downy House, E1 Downy House is a residential block near to the Horn of Plenty (Stepney Green)
Driver’s Buildings, E1 Driver’s Buildings was a courtyard off Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Duckett Street, E1 Duckett Street runs from Ernest Street to Ben Jonson Road (Stepney Green)
Dunstan Houses, E1 Dunstan Houses on Stepney Green were built in 1899 by the East End Dwellings Company to provide housing for the poor (Stepney Green)
Eastbury Terrace, E1 Eastbury Terrace has a complicated history as a street name (Stepney Green)
Eaton Place, E1 Eaton Place seems to have originated in the 1860s and was renamed Shiloh Place in 1938 (Stepney Green)
Edith Ramsey House, E1 Edith Ramsey House is a block on Duckett Street (Stepney Green)
Edward Street, E1 Edward Street connected Cephas Street with Nicholas Street (Stepney Green)
Edwin Street, E1 Edwin Street runs south from Cephas Street (Stepney Green)
Elizabeth Bates Court, E1 Elizabeth Bates Court is a block on Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Ely Terrace, E1 Friendly Place was renamed Ely Terrace in 1879 (Stepney Green)
Elysium Apartments, E1 Elysium Apartments can be found on Theven Street (Stepney Green)
Emmott Close, E1 Emmott Close runs parallel to the Grand Union Canal (Mile End)
Ernest Street, E1 Ernest Street was one of the few streets in the area to survive the Blitz (Stepney Green)
Essex Street, E1 Essex Street, at first called Isaac Street, was largely redeveloped after the Second World War (Bethnal Green)
Essian Street, E1 Essian Street was formerly Emmott Street, replacing it in 1963 (Stepney Green)
Farrier Court, E1 Farrier Court is a block on the corner of White Horse Lane and Killick Way (Stepney Green)
Firewatch Court, E1 Firewatch Court is a block on Candle Street (Stepney Green)
Floreston Street, E1 Floreston Street seems to have been added to the Stepney Green area during the 1860s (Stepney Green)
Formosa House, E1 Formosa House is a residential block, commissioned in 1956 (Stepney Green)
Fox Close, E1 Most local street names - Fox Close included - commemorated local victims of the Blitz (Stepney Green)
Francis Bancroft Building, E1 The Francis Bancroft Building is one of the blocks surrounding the Novo Cemetery (Mile End)
Friendly Place, E1 Friendly Place ran behind buildings on Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Frimley Street, E1 The remaining evidence of Frimley Street is a short, unnamed alleyway off the Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Frimley Way, E1 Frimley Way was built after 1966 by the London County Council (Stepney Green)
Fulneck Place, E1 Fulneck Place is a short cul-de-sac which runs under a modern arch (Stepney Green)
Galveston House, E1 Galveston House’s six floors contain 60 flats (Stepney Green)
Galway House, E1 Galway House is a block on White Horse Lane (Stepney Green)
Genoa House, E1 Genoa House is located on Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Geography Square, E1 Geography Square is an open space within Queen Mary University of London (Mile End)
Gibson Close, E1 Gibson Close originated in 1948 (Stepney Green)
Globe Road, E1 Globe Road is an older road of Stepney, mentioned as ’the lane from Bethnal Green to Mile End’ in 1581 (Stepney Green)
Godward Square, E1 Godward Square is a road in the E1 postcode area (Mile End)
Grand Walk, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Mile End)
Grantley Street, E1 Grantley Street was formerly called Grafton Street until 1938 (Stepney Green)
Gray Court, E14 Gray Court is a block on Ben Johnson Road (Stepney Green)
Grebe Court, E1 Swan Court - later Grebe Court - was a small courtyard off Driver’s Buildings (Stepney Green)
Greenland House, E1 Greenland House is a block on Ernest Street (Stepney Green)
Hadleigh Close, E1 Hadleigh Close is a right-angled road, part of the Rogers Estate (Stepney Green)
Hadleigh House, E1 Hadleigh House is located on Lang Street (Stepney Green)
Hadleigh Street, E1 Hadleigh Street is one of a number of local streets with an Essex connection (Bethnal Green)
Hannibal Road, E1 Hannibal Road leads south from the junction of Mile End Road and Stepney Green (Stepney Green)
Hare Street, E1 Hare Street once ran from Silver Street to Pole Street (Stepney Green)
Harford Street, E1 Harford Street is a long north-south street of Stepney Green (Stepney Green)
Harpley Square, E1 Harpley Square lies to the east of Globe Road (Stepney Green)
Hawke House, E1 Hawke House was commissioned in 1953 by the London County Council (Stepney Green)
Hayfield Court, E1 Hayfield Court is a block on Hayfield Passage (Stepney Green)
Hayfield House, E1 Hayfield House is a block on Hayfield Passage (Stepney Green)
Hayfield Passage, E1 Hayfield Passage leads down to Stepney Green from Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Hayfield Place, E1 Hayfield Place was an old courtyard leading south off Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Hayfield Yard, E1 Hayfield Yard appears to date from the turn of the nineteenth century and possibly before (Stepney Green)
Holton Street, E1 Holton Street is a street in two sections, divided by Carlton Square (Stepney Green)
Horseley Court, E1 Horseley Court is a block on Candle Street, built sometime between 2002 and 2006 (Stepney Green)
Ibbott Street, E1 The name Ibbott Street was approved in 1948 (Stepney Green)
Ifor Evans Place, E1 Ifor Evans Place is named after Sir Ifor Leslie Evans (1897-1952) (Stepney Green)
Informatics Teaching Laboratory Building, E1 The Informatics Teaching Laboratory Building is part of the Queen Mary University of London (Stepney Green)
Ionian House, E1 Ionian House is a block on Ernest Street (Stepney Green)
Jacqueline House, E1 Jacqueline House is a building on White Horse Lane (Stepney Green)
James House, E1 James House is a one 6-storey block containing 52 dwellings (Mile End)
Joben Court, E1 Joben Court is located on Whitman Road (Mile End)
Johnson Lock Court, E1 Johnson Lock Court can be found on Candle Street (Stepney Green)
Kenton House, E1 Kenton House is a building on Mantus Road (Stepney Green)
Killick Way, E1 Killick Way is a modern road south of the Ocean Estate (Stepney Green)
Kiln House, E1 Kiln House is a block on Killick Way (Stepney Green)
King Street, E1 King Street was one of two King Streets in Stepney, the other being nearer to Bethnal Green (Stepney)
Lace Court, E1 Lace Court is sited on Masters Street (Stepney Green)
Leatherdale Street, E2 After 1882, the new name for York Street was Leatherdale Street, E2 (Stepney Green)
Levant House, E1 Levant House is a six-story block with 24 flats on the Ocean Estate (Stepney Green)
Lodge House, E1 Lodge House is located on Westfield Way (Mile End)
Louisa Street, E1 Louisa Street leads off Beaumont Grove (Stepney Green)
Lower John Street, E1 Lower John Street (also simply ’John Street’) was short-lived street name of Stepney (Stepney Green)
Lydia Street, E1 Lydia Street was located along White Horse Lane just north of the modern Shandy Street (Stepney Green)
Magellan House, E1 Magellan House, a six-storey block with 23 flats, is part of the Ocean Estate (Stepney Green)
Malplaquet House, E1 Malplaquet House is a Grade II listed Georgian building at 137-139 Mile End Road in Stepney (Stepney Green)
Mantus Close, E1 Mantus Close was named after one of the Stepney victims of the Blitz (Stepney Green)
Mantus Road, E1 Mantus Road runs south of the railway line into Bethnal Green, (Stepney Green)
Maria Terrace, E1 Maria Terrace lies off Beaumont Square (Stepney Green)
Mariana Court, E1 Mariana Court is a block on Assembly Passage (Stepney)
Massingham Street, E1 Massingham Street was called Norfolk Street until 1938 (Stepney Green)
Masters Street, E1 Masters Street is the western extension of Bohn Road (Stepney Green)
Matcham Court, E1 Matcham Court is a block on Hannibal Road (Stepney Green)
Mathematical Sciences Building, E1 The Mathematical Sciences Building is part of Queen Mary University of London (Stepney Green)
Maynard House, E1 Maynard House is a block on Westfield Way (Mile End)
Mercer Court, E1 Mercer Court was built sometime between 2002 and 2006 (Stepney Green)
Mile End Place, E1 A quiet side street off the bustling Mile End Road, lies a small and enchanting enclave known as Mile End Place. (Stepney Green)
Mile End Road, E1 Mile End Road is an ancient route from London to the East, moved to its present alignment after the foundation of Bow Bridge in 1110. (Stepney Green)
Milrood House, E1 Milrood House is a block on Stepney Green (Stepney Green)
Monsey Place, E1 Monsey Place serves the Rhodewell Apartments (Stepney Green)
Moody Street, E1 Moody Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Mile End)
Moray House, E1 Moray House can be found on Sandalwood Close (Mile End)
Morecambe Close, E1 Morecambe Close is a modern road leading off Beaumont Square (Stepney Green)
Nicholas Road, E1 Nicholas Road replaced the pre-war Nicholas Street (Stepney Green)
Nicholas Street, E1 The former Green Street was given the name Nicholas Street in 1882 (Stepney Green)
Norfolk Street, E1 Norfolk Street ran east from Globe Road (Stepney Green)
Oley Place, E1 Oley Place - originally Wellington Street - was part of an estate belonging to Clare College, Cambridge (Stepney Green)
Osier Court, E1 Osier Court is a block on Osier Street (Stepney Green)
Osier Street, E1 Osier Street inherited part of the former Willow Street (Stepney Green)
Pacific Court, E1 Pacific Court is a building on Assembly Passage (Stepney)
Pacific House, E1 Pacific House is a block on Ernest Street (Stepney Green)
Palliser House, E1 Palliser House can be found on Ernest Street (Stepney Green)
Panama House, E1 Panama House is a block on Beaumont Square (Stepney Green)
Pegasus House, E1 Pegasus House is one of the post-war blocks surrounding Beaumont Square (Stepney Green)
Pemell Close, E1 Pemell Close marks one of the names - chosen by lot - of Stepney residents killed in Second World War air raids (Stepney Green)
Pemell House, E1 Pemell House is a block on Pemell Close (Stepney Green)
Peter Landin Building, E1 Peter Landin Building is a building on Godward Square (Mile End)
Platinium Court, E1 Platinium Court is a block on Cephas Avenue (Stepney Green)
Portelet Road, E1 Portelet Road runs north from Carlton Square (Stepney Green)
Potter House, E1 Potter House is a block on Beaufort Gardens (Stepney Green)
Press House, E1 Press House can be found on Trafalgar Gardens (Stepney Green)
Princes Street, E1 Princes Street was a former name for the northern section of Dempsey Street (Stepney)
Rahere Court, E1 Rahere Court is a block on Toby Lane (Mile End)
Ravenscroft Court, E3 Ravenscroft Court is sited on Essian Street (Mile End)
Raynham House, E1 Raynham House is a building on Harpley Square (Stepney Green)
Rectory Square, E1 Rectory Square, dating from the 1860s, was named from the rectory of St Dunstan’s parish church nearby (Stepney Green)
Redclyf House, E1 Redclyf House is a block on Stothard Street (Stepney Green)
Redmans Road, E1 Redmans Road is a long east-west road of Stepney (Stepney Green)
Rickman House, E1 Rickman House is a block on Rickman Street (Stepney Green)
Rickman Street, E1 Rickman Street was a street from the immediate post-war period (Stepney Green)
Roland Mews, E1 Roland Mews emerges through an archway under Roland House (Stepney Green)
Rosery Court, E1 Rosery Court was built on the site of St Dunstan’s Rectory (Stepney Green)
Ryder House, E1 Ryder House is a block on Colebert Avenue (Stepney Green)
Sandalwood Close, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Stepney Green)
Sceptre Street, E1 The southernmost section of Sceptre Road was called Sceptre Street (Stepney Green)
Selincourt House, E1 Selincourt House is a block on Westfield Way (Mile End)
Shandy Street, E1 Shandy Street connects Beaumont Square with Harford Street (Stepney Green)
Sherren House, E1 Sherren House can be found on Nicholas Road (Stepney Green)
Shiloh Place, E1 Eaton Place became Shiloh Place in 1938 (Stepney Green)
Silver Street, E1 Silver Street ran parallel with Gold Street, though it was narrower (Stepney Green)
Skidmore Street, E1 Skidmore Street predated the Ocean Estate (Stepney Green)
Sligo House, E1 Sligo House is a block on Beaumont Grove (Stepney Green)
Smith Street, E1 Because of the number of Smith Streets in London, the road became Smithy Street during the 1930s (Stepney)
Smithy Street, E1 Smithy Street was called Smith Street until 1938 (Stepney)
Solebay Street, E1 Solebay Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Mile End)
Solway House, E1 Solway House is a block on Ernest Street (Stepney Green)
St Faith’s House, E1 St Faith’s House is a block on Shandy Street (Stepney Green)
St Peters Court, E1 St Peters Court is sited on Cephas Street (Stepney Green)
St Peters Road, E1 St Peters Road ran along the line of modern Cephas Avenue (Stepney Green)
Stayners Road, E1 Stayners Road connects the Mile End Road with Boyton Close (Stepney Green)
Stepney Green Court, E1 Stepney Green Court was built in 1895 (Stepney Green)
Stepney Green, E1 Stepney Green was originally a 15th century row of houses near to St Dunstan’s church (Stepney Green)
Stocks Court, E1 Stocks Court is a building on Globe Road (Stepney Green)
Stothard House, E1 Stothard House is located on Colebert Avenue (Stepney Green)
Stothard Street, E1 Stothard Street was named after a victim of Second World War bombing (Stepney Green)
Sydney House, E1 Sydney House is a block on the east side of Beaumont Square (Stepney Green)
Temple Court, E1 Temple Court can be found on Rectory Square (Stepney Green)
Textile House, E1 Textile House is a block on Duckett Street (Stepney Green)
Timor House, E1 Timor House is a block on Duckett Street (Stepney Green)
Toby Lane, E1 Toby Lane is a road in the E1 postcode area (Mile End)
Tollet Street, E1 Tollet Street was the home of George Lusk, leader of the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee (Stepney Green)
Trafalgar Gardens, E1 Trafalgar Gardens was previously Trafalgar Square until 1938 (Stepney Green)
Tramway Court, E1 Tramway Court is a block on Candle Street (Stepney Green)
Union Drive, E1 Union Drive is a road in the E1 postcode area (Mile End)
Upper John Street, E1 Upper John Street existed between the 1820s and 1871 (Stepney Green)
Varey House, E1 Varey House is a block on Westfield Way (Mile End)
Vista Court, E1 Vista Court is a block on Bermuda Way (Stepney Green)
Waley Street, E1 Commemorates Henry le Waleys or Waleis, mayor of London in 1273, 1281-3 and 1298. (Stepney Green)
Waterfall House, E1 Waterfall House is a building on Toby Lane (Mile End)
Weddell House, E1 Weddell House, on the Ocean Estate, was built south of Ernest Street (Stepney Green)
Westfield Way, E1 Westfield Way is a newer road which replaced a coal depot in the area (Mile End)
White Horse Lane, E1 White Horse Lane originally meandered through the countryside, beginning its journey in Whitechapel and eventually converging with the similarly-named White Horse Street (Stepney Green)
White Tower Way, E1 White Tower Way was built in the area formerly occupied by gas works (Stepney Green)
Whitman Road, E1 Whitman Road is one of the streets of London in the E3 postal area (Mile End)
Wickham Close, E1 Wickham Close is a modern cul-de-sac leading east off Jamaica Street (Stepney)
Willow Street, E1 Willow Street, once redeveloped, became Osier Street (Stepney Green)
XX Place, E1 XX Place is one of the oddest street names that ever existed in London (Stepney Green)

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