Moss Close, E1

Road in/near Whitechapel

(51.51861 -0.06543, 51.518 -0.065) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Road · * · E1 ·
A street within the E1 postcode

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Aldgate East In a land east of Aldgate, lies the land of Aldgate East ...
Altab Ali Park Altab Ali Park is a small park on Adler Street, White Church Lane and Whitechapel Road.
Pavilion Theatre The Pavilion Theatre at 191–193 Whitechapel Road was the first major theatre to open in the East End.
St Mary Matfelon St Mary Matfelon church was popularly known as St Mary’s, Whitechapel.
St Mary’s (Whitechapel Road) St Mary’s was a station on the Metropolitan Railway and the District Railway lines, located between Whitechapel and Aldgate East stations.
The 1912 streets of Spitalfields The fascinating story of one man’s random walk in 1912
Toynbee Hall Toynbee Hall is a building which is the home of a charity of the same name.
Whitechapel Gallery The Whitechapel Gallery is a public art gallery in Aldgate.

Ada Lewis Court, E1 Ada Lewis Court is located on Underwood Road
Adler Street, E1 Adler Street runs between the Whitechapel Road and the Commercial Road
Albany Court, E1 Albany Court is a block on Plumbers Row
Albert Place, E1 Albert Place is an old East End street
Albert Street, E1 Albert Street is an old East End street
Aldgate Tower, E1 Aldgate Tower is a block on Leman Street (Aldgate East)
Angel Alley, E1 Angel Alley was a narrow passage which ran north-south from Wentworth Street to Whitechapel High Street (Aldgate East)
Arthur Deakin House, E1 Arthur Deakin House is a block on Woodseer Street
Arundel Street, Arundel Street is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Assam Street, E1 Assam Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Aldgate East)
Baker’s Row, E1 Baker’s Row became Vallance Road in 1896
Bartlett House, E1 Bartlett House is sited on Wentworth Street (Spitalfields)
Bath Street, In Poplar E14, Ann’s Place became Bath Street in 1891 (Whitechapel)
Bearstead Court, E1 Bearstead Court is a block on Underwood Road
Bedford Street, E1 Bedford Square, Shadwell was called Bedford Street after 1894 (Whitechapel)
Black Eagle Street, E1 John Stott, a mariner from Stepney, developed both Grey Eagle Street and Black Eagle Street between 1661 and 1670 (Spitalfields)
Black Lion Yard, E1 Black Lion Yard, a narrow passage, extended from Old Montague Street, where it could be accessed via a set of steps, to Whitechapel Road (Whitechapel)
Blackwood House, E1 Blackwood House is a block on Collingwood Street (Whitechapel)
Bloomfield House, E1 Bloomfield House is a block on Old Montague Street (Whitechapel)
BLSA Building, E1 BLSA Building is a block on Newark Street (Whitechapel)
Boden House, E1 Boden House is located on Woodseer Street
Boltersley Street, Boltersley Street is an old East End street (Spitalfields)
Booth House, E1 Booth House is a block on Whitechapel Road (Whitechapel)
Booth Street, E1 Booth Street is an old East End street
Bradbury Court, E1 Bradbury Court is a block on Old Castle Street (Aldgate East)
Brady Street, E1 Brady Street is a road running north-south from Three Colts Lane to Whitechapel Road (Whitechapel)
Brick Lane, E1 Brick Lane runs north from the junction of Osborn Street, Old Montague Street and Wentworth Street, through Spitalfields to Bethnal Green Road (Spitalfields)
Bridgen House, E1 Bridgen House can be found on Philpot Street (Stepney)
Britannia House, E1 Britannia House is a block on Hanbury Street
Browns Lane, E1 Browns Lane is marked on the 1862 Stanford map (Spitalfields)
Buckley Street, E1 Buckley Street is an old East End street (Aldgate East)
Bullen House, E1 Bullen House is a building on Collingwood Street (Whitechapel)
Burnham Thorpe Court, E1 Burnham Thorpe Court is a block on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Buxton Street, E1 Buxton Street developed in the early and mid-nineteenth century
Cameron Place, Frederick Place was called Cameron Place after 1882 (Stepney)
Cannon Place, E1 Cannon Place is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Carillon Court, E1 Carillon Court can be found on Greatorex Street
Carter Street, E1 Carter Street is an old East End street (Spitalfields)
Casson House, E1 Casson House is sited on Hanbury Street
Casson Street, E1 Casson Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Castle Alley, Castle Alley is an old East End street (Aldgate East)
Castlemain Street, E1 Castlemain Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Cavell Street, E1 Cavell Street is a road in the E1W postcode area (Whitechapel)
Central House, E1 Central House is a block on Whitechapel High Street (Aldgate East)
Central Tower, E1 Central Tower is a block on Commercial Road (Aldgate East)
Charlotte Court, Charlotte Court is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Charlotte De Rothschild Dwellings, E1 The Charlotte De Rothschild Dwellings replaced slum dwellings in 1886 (Spitalfields)
Cheviot House, E1 Cheviot House is sited on Commercial Road (Stepney)
Chicksand House, E1 Chicksand House is sited on Chicksand Street
Chicksand Street, E1 Chicksand Street runs east from Brick Lane
Circle Place, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Aldgate East)
Cityscape Apartments, E1 Cityscape Apartments is sited on Heneage Street
Clare Alexander House, E1 Clare Alexander House can be found on Turner Street (Whitechapel)
Clarence Street, Clarence Street is an old East End street (Spitalfields)
Code Street, E2 Code Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Spitalfields)
Coke Street, E1 Charles Street was renamed to Coke Street, E1 in 1882
Colchester Street, E1 Colchester Street connected Plough Street with Leman Street (Aldgate East)
Colefax Building, E1 Colefax Building is a block on Plumbers Row
College East, E1 College East is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Aldgate East)
Collingwood Street, E1 Collingwood Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Comfort House, E1 Comfort House is a block on Turner Street (Stepney)
Commercial Road, E1 Commercial Road is a major thoroughfare (the A13) running east-west from the junction of Burdett Road and East India Dock Road to Braham Street (Stepney)
Coney Way, E1 Coney Way is a road in the SW8 postcode area (Aldgate East)
Cornell Building, E1 Cornell Building is a block on Coke Street
Cornerstone Court, E1 Cornerstone Court is a building on Hemming Street (Whitechapel)
Court Street, E1 Court Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Coverley Close, E1 Coverley Close is a road in the E1 postcode area
Daniel Gilbert House, E1 Daniel Gilbert House is a block on Code Street (Spitalfields)
Davenant House, E1 Davenant House is a block on Old Montague Street
Davenant Street, E1 Davenant Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Davis Terrace, E1 Davis Terrace is an old East End street
Dawson House, E1 Dawson House is a block on Walden Street (Whitechapel)
Deal Street, E1 Deal Street dates from the mid 1840s
Denning Point 33 Commercial Street, E1 A block within the E1 postcode (Aldgate East)
Dickson House, E1 Dickson House is a building on Philpot Street (Stepney)
District Court, E1 District Court is sited on Commercial Road (Aldgate East)
Dowson Place, E1 Dowson Place appears on the 1862 Stanford map
Dray Walk, E1 Dray Walk is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Spitalfields)
Dryden Building, E1 Dryden Building is a block on Commercial Road
Dunk Street, E1 Dunk Street ran parallel to Great Garden Street (now Greatorex Street) to the west and King Edward Street, which has also ceased to exist, to the east
Duru House, E1 Duru House is a block on Commercial Road
Durward Street, E1 Durward Street is a narrow thoroughfare running east-west from Brady Street to Baker’s Row (today’s Vallance Road) (Whitechapel)
East Mount Street, E1 East Mount Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Eastman, Eastman is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Education Square, E1 Education Square is a location in London (Aldgate East)
Elan Court, E1 Elan Court is a block on Newark Street (Whitechapel)
Ely Place, E1 Ely Place appears on the 1862 Stanford map
Empire House, E1 Empire House is a block on New Road (Whitechapel)
Enterprise House, E1 A street within the E1 postcode
Evelyn House, E1 Evelyn House is a block on Greatorex Street
Fakruddin Street, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Whitechapel)
Fashion Street, E1 Fashion Street is a thoroughfare running east-west from Brick Lane to Commercial Street. (Spitalfields)
Fellbrigg Street, E1 Norfolk Street, E1 was renamed as Fellbrigg Street, E1 in 1883 (Whitechapel)
Field House, E1 Field House can be found on Buxton Street (Spitalfields)
Fieldgate Mansions, E1 Fieldgate Mansions is a significant complex of tenement dwellings that was constructed between 1903 and 1907. (Whitechapel)
Fieldgate Street, E1 Fieldgate Street was once a lane leading across fields to St Dunstan’s Church (Whitechapel)
Finch Street, E1 Finch Street lay along the line of present day Monthope Road (Whitechapel)
Flower and Dean Street, E1 Flower and Dean Street was a narrow street running east-west from Commercial Street to Brick Lane. (Spitalfields)
Flower and Dean Walk, E1 Flower and Dean Walk is a street of social housing created in the 1980s (Spitalfields)
Floyer House, E1 Floyer House is a block on Philpot Street (Whitechapel)
Fordham Street, E1 Fordham Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Foster Street, E1 Foster Street may date from the 1830s (Whitechapel)
Foundry Court, E1 Foundry Court is a block on Plumbers Row (Whitechapel)
Fournier Street, E1 Fournier Street is a street running east-west from Brick Lane to Commercial Street alongside Christ Church (Spitalfields)
Frostic Walk, E1 Frostic Walk leads from Chicksand Street to Old Montague Street
Fulbourne Street, E1 Fulbourne Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Furness Street , Furness Street is an old East End street
Garrod Building, E1 Garrod Building is a block on Turner Street (Whitechapel)
George Street, E1 George Street was a street running north-south from Flower and Dean Street to Wentworth Street, crossing Thrawl Street approx. half way along its length (Spitalfields)
George Yard Buildings, E1 George Yard Buildings was a lodging house erected around 1875 (Aldgate East)
Granary Road, E1 Granary Road is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Gray Street, Gray Street is an old East End street (Stepney)
Greatorex House, E1 Greatorex House is sited on Greatorex Street
Greatorex Street, E1 Greatorex Street was formerly called High Street
Green Dragon Yard, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Whitechapel)
Greenfield Road, E1 Greenfield Road is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Greenfield Street, E1 Greenfield Street is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Grey Eagle Street, E1 Grey Eagle Street was part of the Wilkes Estate with building leases granted in 1761 (Spitalfields)
Grindall House, E1 Grindall House is a building on Collingwood Street (Whitechapel)
Gunthorpe Street, E1 Gunthorpe Street is a narrow street running north-south from Wentworth Street to Whitechapel High Street. (Aldgate East)
Gwynne House, E1 Gwynne House is located on Turner Street (Whitechapel)
Hanbury Hall, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Spitalfields)
Hanbury House, E1 Hanbury House is located on Hanbury Street
Hanbury Street, E1 Hanbury Street is a long road running west-east from Commercial Street to Vallance Road
Harvey House, E1 Harvey House is a block on Brady Street (Whitechapel)
Heathpool Court, E1 Heathpool Court is a block on Brady Street (Whitechapel)
Heneage Street, E1 Heneage Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Henry Brierley House, E1 Henry Brierley House is a block on Varden Street (Stepney)
Hobson’s Cottages, E1 Hobson’s Cottages was situated off Pelham Street
Hobsons Place, E1 Hobsons Place was short cul-de-sac
Holloway Street, E1 Holloway Street is an old East End street
Hopetown Street, E1 This is a street in the E1 postcode area (Spitalfields)
Horace Evans House, E1 Horace Evans House is a block on Ashfield Street (Whitechapel)
Hubert Ashton House, E1 Hubert Ashton House is a block on Varden Street (Stepney)
Hudson Building, E1 Hudson Building is a block on Chicksand Street
Hughes Mansions, E1 Hughes Mansions originally consisted of three roughly similar blocks containing 93 flats spread over the three buildings (Whitechapel)
Hunt Street, E1 Hunt Street is an old East End street
Hunton Street, E1 Hunton Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Ivy House, E1 Ivy House is a block on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Jackson & Joseph Building, E1 Jackson & Joseph Building is a building on Princelet Street (Spitalfields)
Jacobs Court, E1 Jacobs Court is a block on Plumbers Row (Whitechapel)
John Garnett House, E1 John Garnett House is located on Newark Street (Whitechapel)
John Harrison House, E1 John Harrison House is a block on Varden Street (Whitechapel)
John Pritchard House, E1 John Pritchard House is sited on Buxton Street
John Sessions Square, E1 John Sessions Square lies off of Alie Street (Aldgate East)
John Sinclair Court, E1 John Sinclair Court is part of the Flower and Dean Estate (Spitalfields)
Joscoyne House, E1 Joscoyne House is a block on Philpot Street (Stepney)
Kempton Court, E1 Kempton Court is a block on Durward Street, built in 1995 (Whitechapel)
Kensington Apartments, E1 Kensington Apartments is a block on Pomell Way (Aldgate East)
Kent and Essex Yard, E1 Kent and Essex Yard ran north of Whitechapel High Street, close to the west side of Commercial Street (Aldgate East)
Kent House, E1 Kent House is a block on Varden Street (Whitechapel)
Kings Arms Court, E1 Kings Arms Court lies off Old Montague Street. (Whitechapel)
Kingward House, E1 Kingward House is a block on Greatorex Street
Kingward Street, E1 King Edward Street is an old East End street
Kiran Apartments, E1 Kiran Apartments is located on Chicksand Street
Lister House, E1 Lister House is located on Lomas Street (Whitechapel)
Little Collingwood Street, E1 Little Collingwood Street once ran parallel with Collingwood Street (Whitechapel)
Lolesworth Street, E1 Lolesworth Street was renamed from George Street in 1893 (Spitalfields)
Lomas Street, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Whitechapel)
Luntley Place, E1 Luntley Place appears on the 1862 Stanford map
Manningtree Street, E1 Manningtree Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Aldgate East)
Mcauley House, E1 Mcauley House is a building on Wentworth Street (Aldgate East)
McGlashon House, E1 McGlashon House is a block on Hunton Street
Mellish House, E1 Mellish House is a block on Varden Street (Stepney)
Merceron Street, E1 Merceron Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Milward Street, E1 Milward Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Mocatta House, E1 Mocatta House is a block on Brady Street (Whitechapel)
Molesworth Street, E1 Molesworth Street is an old East End street (Spitalfields)
Monthope Road, E1 This is a street in the E1 postcode area
Moss Close, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Whitechapel)
Mount Terrace, E1 Mount Terrace is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Mulberry Street, E1 Mulberry Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Myrdle Court, E1 Myrdle Court is a block on Myrdle Street
Myrdle Street, E1 Myrdle Street leads south from Fieldgate Street (Whitechapel)
Nathaniel Close, E1 Nathaniel Close consists of houses and flats built in the early 1980s (Spitalfields)
Nelson Street, E1 Nelson Street runs between New Road and Cavell Street (Stepney)
New Castle Street, New Castle Street is an old East End street (Aldgate East)
New Church Street, E1 New Church Street led from Pedley Street to Buxton Street (Spitalfields)
New Court, E1 New Court was situated off Wentworth Street (Aldgate East)
New Drum Street, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Aldgate East)
New Road, E1 New Road is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Newark Street, E1 Newark Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Nottingham Place, E1 Nottingham Place is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Novem House, E1 Novem House is a block on Chicksand Street
Odeon Court, E1 Odeon Court is a block on Chicksand Street
Old Montague Street, E1 Old Montague Street is a thoroughfare running east-west from Baker’s Row (now Vallance Road) to Brick Lane
Osborn Place, E1 Osborn Place appears on maps between 1800 and 1900
Osborn Street, E1 Osborn Street is a short road leading from Whitechapel Road to the crossroads with Brick Lane, Wentworth Street and Old Montague Street (Aldgate East)
Osborne House, E1 Osborne House is a block on Osborn Street (Aldgate East)
Oxford Street, Green Street was renamed to Oxford Street, E1 in 1867 (Whitechapel)
Parfett Street, E1 Parfett Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Pauline House, E1 Pauline House is a block on Old Montague Street
Pavilion House, E1 Pavilion House is a block on Greatorex Street
Pelham Street, E1 Pelham Street was the former name of Woodseer Street
Pereira Street, E1 Pereira Street ran north/south in Bethnal Green (Whitechapel)
Peretra Street, Peretra Street is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Peter Best House, E1 Peter Best House can be found on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Philpot Street, E1 Philpot Street commemorates the prominent local family of Philpot or Philipot; (Stepney)
Plumbers Row, E1 Plumbers Row is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Pomell Way, E1 Pomell Way is a road in the E1 postcode area (Aldgate East)
Porchester House, E1 Porchester House is sited on Varden Street (Whitechapel)
Princelet Street, E1 Princelet Street started its life as Princes Street (Spitalfields)
Queen Street, E1 In 1883, King Street, E1 became Queen Street, E1
Ramar House, E1 Ramar House is a building on Hanbury Street
Ramar Place, E1 Ramar Place was a tiny Whitechapel back street
Regal Close, E1 Regal Close is a road in the E1 postcode area
Riga Mews, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Aldgate East)
River Thames at 51.501, High Street, E1 was renamed as Great Garden Street, E1 in 1874 (Whitechapel)
Romford Street, E1 Romford Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Ruby House, E1 Ruby House is located on Myrdle Street
Rutherford House, E1 Rutherford House is a block on Brady Street (Whitechapel)
Selby Street, E1 Selby Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Settles Street, E1 Settles Street links Fieldgate Street with Commercial Road
Seven Stars Yard, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Spitalfields)
Sheba Place, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Spitalfields)
Sheba Street, E1 After 1893, the new name for Queen Street was Sheba Street, E1 (Spitalfields)
Silvester House, E1 Silvester House can be found on Varden Street (Stepney)
Somerset House, E1 Somerset House is a block on New Road (Stepney)
Speck’s Fields, E1 Speck’s Fields led to the Crescent Foundry
Spelman House, E1 Spelman House is a block on Spelman Street
Spelman Street, E1 Spelman Street was formerly John Street and built up in the 19th century
Spital Street, E1 Spital Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Spring Walk, E1 Spring Walk is a road in the E1 postcode area
St Mary Street, St Mary Street is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
St Philip’s House, E1 St Philip’s House is located on Stepney Way (Whitechapel)
Station House, E1 Station House can be found on Code Street (Spitalfields)
Stepney Green Court, E1 Stepney Green Court is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Stuttle House, E1 Stuttle House is a block on Buxton Street
Surma Close, E1 Surma Close is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Tannery House, E1 Tannery House is a block on Deal Street
Tassaduq Ahmed House, E1 Tassaduq Ahmed House is a block on Pedley Street (Spitalfields)
The Old Montague Apartments, E1 The Old Montague Apartments is a block on Old Montague Street
The Relay Building, E1 The Relay Building is a block on Commercial Street (Aldgate East)
Thrawl Street, E1 Originally built by Henry Thrall around 1656, Thrawl Street ran east-west from Brick Lane across a former tenter field owned by the Fossan brothers, Thomas and Lewis. (Spitalfields)
Tower House, E1 Tower House is a block on Fieldgate Street (Whitechapel)
Trahorn Close, E1 Trahorn Close is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Treves House, E1 Treves House is a block on Vallance Road (Whitechapel)
Turner Street, E1 Turner Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Tylney House, E1 Tylney House is located on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Tyne Street, E1 Tyne Street is a location in London (Aldgate East)
Underwood Road, E1 Underwood Road is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Underwood Street, In Stepney E1, Albert Place became Underwood Street in 1883
Universal House, E1 Universal House is a block on Wentworth Street (Spitalfields)
Vallance Road, E1 Vallance Road is a significant road running north-south from Bethnal Green Road to Whitechapel Road. (Whitechapel)
Varden Street, E1 Varden Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Stepney)
Vibeca Apartments, E1 Vibeca Apartments is a block on Chicksand Street
Vine Court, E1 Vine Court is a small turning south from Whitechapel Road (Whitechapel)
Vollasky House, E1 Vollasky House is a block on Daplyn Street
Walden Street, E1 Walden Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
White Church Lane, E1 White Church Lane is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Aldgate East)
White Church Passage, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Aldgate East)
White Hart Yard, E1 White Hart Court was built by Richard Brinckley in 1773 (Whitechapel)
Whitechapel High Street, E1 Whitechapel High Street runs approximately west-east from Aldgate High Street to Whitechapel Road and is designated as part of the A11 (Aldgate East)
Whitechapel Market, E1 Whitechapel Market is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Whitechapel Road, E1 Whitechapel Road is a major arterial road in East London (Whitechapel)
Whitechapel Technology Centre, E1 Whitechapel Technology Centre is based in the East London Works (Whitechapel)
Wilkes Street, E1 Wilkes Street is a street of early eighteenth century houses, some of which were refronted in the early nineteenth century (Spitalfields)
Winthrop Street, E1 Winthrop Street was formerly a narrow street running east-west from Brady Street to Durward Street (Whitechapel)
Wiverton Tower, E1 Wiverton Tower is a block on New Drum Street (Aldgate East)
Wodeham Gardens, E1 Wodeham Gardens is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Wood’s Buildings, E1 Wood’s Buildings, a narrow passageway, extended north from Whitechapel Road and led to Winthrop Street. (Whitechapel)
Woodseer Street, E1 Woodseer Street was formerly known as Pelham Street and part of the Halifax Estate
Workhouse Apartments, E1 Workhouse Apartments is a block on Feather Mews (Whitechapel)
Wynfrid House, E1 Wynfrid House is a block on Mulberry Street
Yalford Street, E1 Yalford Street was the name for New Street after 1874 (Whitechapel)

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