Postal area E1

Postal area in/near Whitechapel, existing between 1917 and now

(51.518 -0.058, 51.518 -0.058) 
MAP YEAR:18001810182018301860190019502025 
Postal area · * · ·


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Abingdon Street Abingdon Street is an old East End street.
Abs House Abs House is a block on Frying Pan Alley.
Ada Lewis Court Ada Lewis Court is located on Underwood Road.
Ada Marie Court Ada Marie Court is sited on James Voller Way.
Adam Meere House Adam Meere House is located on Tarling Street.
Adams House Adams House is a Grade II listed block of offices.
Adelina Grove Adelina Grove became an estate for people displaced by the London Wool Exchange building in 1929.
Adelina Place Adelina Place was a very narrow side street of Adelina Grove.
Adler Street Adler Street runs between the Whitechapel Road and the Commercial Road.
Adriatic House Adriatic House is located on Ernest Street.
Agra Place Before 1890, Agra Place was named Smith’s Place.
Albany Court Albany Court is a block on Plumbers Row.
Albert Gardens Albert Gardens, an almost intact late-Georgian residential square.
Albert Place Albert Place is an old East End street.
Albert Street Albert Street is an old East End street.
Alderney Road Alderney Road began as a pathway called Alderney Place during the 1830s.
Aldgate Tower Aldgate Tower is a block on Leman Street.
Alfred Street Alfred Street was the precursor street to Shandy Street.
Alie Street Originally called Ayliff Street, Alie Street was named after a relative of William Leman, whose great-uncle, John Leman had bought Goodman’s Fields.
All Saints Court All Saints Court (together with St Mary’s Clergy House) is a symmetrical group with gabled wings and cut-away corner balconies.
Allport Mews Allport Mews lies off Stepney Green itself.
Amazon Street A street within the E1 postcode
Amiel Street Amiel Street is one of ten streets commemorating Stepney residents killed in the air raids of the Second World War.
Anchor House Anchor House is a block on Mile End Road.
Anchor Terrace Anchor Terrace is a named section of Cephas Avenue.
Angel Alley Angel Alley was a narrow passage which ran north-south from Wentworth Street to Whitechapel High Street..
Ann Street Ann Street is an old East End street.
Anne Goodman House Anne Goodman House is sited on Jubilee Street.
Ansell House Ansell House was the first block built on the Sidney Estate.
Anson House Anson House is a block on Shandy Street.
Antcliff Street Antcliff Street was probably built by William Antcliff of Newham Street
Antcliffe Street Antcliffe Street formerly ran off Bromehead Road.
Anthony Street Anthony Street previously ran from Commercial Road through to Cable Street. Just a few metres survive.
Antila Court Antila Court is a building on Sclater Street.
Antill Terrace Antill Terrace was built off of Senrab Street (then Barbour Gardens) around 1865.
Apsley House Apsley House is a block on Aylward Street.
Apsley Street Apsley Street was off Redman’s Road.
Arabian House Arabian House is sited on Ernst Road.
Aral House Aral House is sited on Ernest Street.
Arbour House Arbour House was designed by B.J. Belsher, the Stepney Borough Surveyor.
Arbour Square Arbour Square is a late Georgian square in Stepney.
Arcadia Court Arcadia Court is a block on Old Castle Street.
Argyle Road Argyle Road followed Carlton Square as an 1850s development by William Pemberton Barnes.
Armsby House Armsby House is a block on Stepney Way.
Arta House Arta House is a block on Devonport Street.
Arthur Deakin House Arthur Deakin House is a block on Woodseer Street.
Artillery Lane The name Artillery Lane remembers the skills of the operators of the longbow.
Artillery Passage Artillery Passage dates from its time as part of The Old Artillery Ground.
Artizan Street A street within the E1 postcode
Ashfield Street Ashfield Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Ashington House Ashington House is a block on Barnsley Street.
Assam Street Assam Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Assembly Passage Assembly Passage is a long, cobbled walkway that leads from Mile End Road to Redmans Road.
Athlone House Athlone House is a block on Sidney Street.
Avant Garde Tower Avant Garde Tower is a block on Bethnal Green Road.
Avantgarde Place Avantgarde Place is a location in London.
Avis Square Avis Square was created in 1961.
Aylward Street Aylward Street has a complicated history.
Azov House Azov House is a block on Sandalwood Close.
Back Church Lane Back Church Lane is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Bacon Street Bacon Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Bailey Tower Bailey Tower is a block on Challoner Walk.
Baker’s Row Baker’s Row became Vallance Road in 1896.
Bale Road Bale Road runs along the southern edge of Shandy Park.
Baltonsborough Court Baltonsborough Court is located on Ben Jonson Road.
Bancroft House Bancroft House is a block on Malcolm Road.
Bancroft Road Bancroft Road was constructed in stages between 1820 and 1850.
Bancroft’s Almshouses Bencroft’s Hospital and School, established in 1737, was on the north side of Mile End Road.
Bantry House Bantry House was commissioned in 1953.
Barbanel House Barbanel House is sited on Colebert Avenue.
Barents House Barents House is the westernmost block on the Ocean Estate.
Barnardo Street Dr Thomas John Barnardo founded a boy’s orphanage in Stepney Causeway.
Barnett House Barnett House is sited on Bell Lane.
Barnsley Street Barnsley Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Bartlett House Bartlett House is sited on Wentworth Street.
Basil House Basil House is a block on Henriques Street.
Batson House Batson House is a building on Fairclough Street.
Batty Street Batty Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Beadnell Court Beadnell Court is a block on Cable Street.
Beagle Street Nelson Street became Beagle Street in 1893.
Bearstead Court Bearstead Court is a block on Underwood Road.
Beatrice House Beatrice House was built after 1996.
Beaufort Gardens Beaufort Gardens runs down from Shandy Street to Trafalgar Gardens.
Beaumont Grove Beaumont Grove runs south from Mile End Road.
Beaumont Square Beaumont Square is a garden square that was laid out in 1840 as the centerpiece of the Beaumont Estate, a housing development by Captain J T Barber Beaumont.
Beaumont Street Beaumont Street was the predecessor name to Beaumont Grove.
Beckett House Beckett House is part of a three block complex facing Jubilee Street.
Bedford House Bedford House is a block on Wheler Street.
Bedford Square Bedford Square is an old East End square.
Bedford Street Bedford Square, Shadwell was called Bedford Street after 1894.
Belgrave Street Belgrave Street connects Stepney High Street with Commercial Road.
Bell Lane Bell Lane has late C16/early C17 origins, dividing the Halifax estate from the nearby tenter ground.
Ben Jonson Road The satiric dramatist Ben Jonson (or Johnson) died in 1637.
Benjamin Truman Close Benjamin Truman Close is a location in London.
Bermuda Street Bermuda Street was an old East End street.
Bermuda Way Bermuda Way runs between two residential blocks.
Bernhard Baron House Bernhard Baron House is a building on Henriques Street.
Berry House Berry House is located on Headlam Street.
Bethnal Green Road Bethnal Green Road is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Betts House Betts House is the oldest block on the St George’s Estate.
Bewley House Bewley House is a block on Bewley Street.
Bewley Street A street within the E1 postcode
Bicknell House Bicknell House is a block on Ellen Street.
Bigland Street Bigland Street leads east from Cannon Street Road.
Bill Faust House Bill Faust House is a block on Tarling Street.
Billing House Billing House is a block on Commercial Road.
Biscay House Biscay House faces Mile End Road.
Bishops Square Bishops Square resulted from a 2005 project to regenerate Spitalfields Market.
Bishopsgate Court Bishopsgate Court is a block on Norton Folgate.
Bishopsgate Street Without Bishopsgate Street Without was absorbed into Bishopsgate.
Black Eagle Street John Stott, a mariner from Stepney, developed both Grey Eagle Street and Black Eagle Street between 1661 and 1670.
Black Lion Yard Black Lion Yard, a narrow passage, extended from Old Montague Street, where it could be accessed via a set of steps, to Whitechapel Road
Blackwood House Blackwood House is a block on Collingwood Street.
Bladen House Bladen House is a block on Dunelm Street.
Bloomfield House Bloomfield House is a block on Old Montague Street.
Blossom Place Blossom Place ran west off Blossom Street.
Blossom Street Blossom Street runs from Fleur De Lis Street to Folgate Street.
BLSA Building BLSA Building is a block on Newark Street.
Blue Anchor Yard Blue Anchor Yard is a road in the E1 postcode area
Bluegate Field Bluegate Field was a poetic name used in the 18th century for a section of Cable Street.
Boden House Boden House is located on Woodseer Street.
Boisseau House Boisseau House is a block on Stepney Way.
Booth House Booth House is a block on Whitechapel Road.
Booth Street Booth Street is an old East End street.
Bootmakers Court Bootmakers Court is a block on Ben Jonson Road.
Boundary Passage Boundary Passage is a road in the E1 postcode area
Bower Street Bower Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Bowmans Mews Bowmans Mews is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Boyard Street A street within the E1 postcode
Boyd Street Boyd Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Boyton Close Boyton Close covered half of the former Nicholas Street.
Bradbury Court Bradbury Court is a block on Old Castle Street.
Bradwell Street Bradwell Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Brady Street Brady Street is a road running north-south from Three Colts Lane to Whitechapel Road.
Braham Street Braham Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Braintree House Braintree House is named for the road it would have previously faced - Braintree Street.
Braintree Street Braintree Street, like Hadleigh Street, was named after a town in Essex.
Braithwaite Street Braithwaite Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Brancaster House Brancaster House is a block on Moody Street.
Brayford Square Brayford Square is a small shopping area from 1978.
Brick Lane Brick Lane runs north from the junction of Osborn Street, Old Montague Street and Wentworth Street, through Spitalfields to Bethnal Green Road.
Bridgen House Bridgen House can be found on Philpot Street.
Bridle Mews Bridle Mews is a location in London.
Brilliant Street Brilliant Street was a tiny street linking Silver Street and Gold Street.
Brinsley House Brinsley House is a block on Tarling Street.
Britannia House Britannia House is a block on Hanbury Street.
Broadford House Broadford House is a block on Commodore Street.
Brody House Brody House is a block on Strype Street.
Brokmer House Brokmer House can be found on Crowder Street.
Bromehead Road Bromehead Road is a location in London.
Bromehead Street A vestige remains of Bromehead Street, formerly a main connecting street of the area.
Bromley Street Bromley Street was built between 1829 and 1843 by Daniel Goody.
Brook House Brook House is a block on Fletcher Street.
Brook Street Brook Street was an old name for this section of Cable Street.
Browns Lane Browns Lane is marked on the 1862 Stanford map.
Brune House Brune House is located on Bell Lane.
Brune Street Brune Street was laid out between 1810 and 1824 but redeveloped in the early 20th century.
Brushfield Street Brushfield Street is a thoroughfare running east-west from Commercial Street to Bishopsgate.
Buckhurst Street Buckhurst Street runs alongside St Bartholomew Gardens.
Buckle Street Buckle Street leads off Leman Street.
Buckley Street Buckley Street is an old East End street.
Bullen House Bullen House is a building on Collingwood Street.
Burley House Burley House is part of the Mountmorres Estate.
Burlington Court Burlington Court is sited on Cable Street.
Burnham Thorpe Court Burnham Thorpe Court is a block on Nelson Street.
Buross Street Buross Street runs south off Commercial Road.
Burslem Street Burslem Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Burwell Close Burwell Close is a road in the E1 postcode area
Buxton Street Buxton Street developed in the early and mid-nineteenth century.
Cable Street Cable Street started as a straight path along which hemp ropes were twisted into ships’ cables.
Calcutta House Calcutta House is a block on Old Castle Street.
Calverley Street Calverley Street (as Calverley Walk) disappeared when the Ocean Estate was built over its site.
Calverley Walk Calverley Street was renamed as Calverley Walk in 1938.
Calvin Street Calvin Street was part of the Wheler Estate.
Cambay House Cambay House is located on Harford Street.
Cambridge Heath Road Cambridge Heath Road was originally Cambridge Road.
Camperdown Street Camperdown Street was formerly Duncan Street.
Canal Close Canal Close is a road in the E1 postcode area
Candle Street Candle Street was built over the site of the former Stepney Gasworks.
Cannon Place Cannon Place is an old East End street.
Cannon Street Road Cannon Street Road runs south from Commercial Road.
Canter Way Canter Way is a location in London.
Carillon Court Carillon Court can be found on Greatorex Street.
Carlton Square The houses in the Carlton Square area were developed in the 1850s by William Pemberton Barnes on open land known as Globe Fields.
Carlyle Mews A street within the E1 postcode
Carmelo Mews Carmelo Mews is a mews behind the houses on the east side of Stepney Green.
Caroline Adams House Caroline Adams House is a block on Pedley Street.
Caroline Street Caroline Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Carpenter House Carpenter House faces Trafalgar Gardens.
Carter House Carter House is a block on Unnamed Road.
Carter Street Carter Street is an old East End street.
Cartwright Street Cartwright Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Cashmere House Cashmere House is a block on Leman Street.
Cassia House Cassia House is a block on Piazza Walk.
Casson House Casson House is sited on Hanbury Street.
Casson Street Casson Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Castlemain Street Castlemain Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Catalina House Catalina House is sited on Canter Way.
Catherine Street Catherine Street began in the first years of the nineteenth century.
Cavell House Cavell House is a block on Cavell Street.
Cavell Street Cavell Street is a road in the E1W postcode area
Caxton Apartments Caxton Apartments is a block on Cable Street.
Celia Blairman House Celia Blairman House is a block on Folgate Street.
Central House Central House is a block on Whitechapel High Street.
Central Tower Central Tower is a block on Commercial Road.
Cephas Avenue Cephas Avenue was called St Peter’s Road until 1939.
Cephas House Cephas House is a block on Wickford Street.
Cephas Street One of two Silver Streets in the area along with Park Street and Peter Street became Cephas Street in 1865.
Ceylon House Ceylon House is sited on Alie Street.
Chalkwell House Chalkwell House can be found on Commercial Road.
Challoner Walk Challoner Walk is a location in London.
Chamber Street Chamber Street is a thoroughfare running east-west from Leman Street to Mansell Street.
Chamberlain House Chamberlain House probably dates from the 1960s.
Chance Street Chance Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Chancery House Chancery House is a block on Lowood Street.
Chandlery House Chandlery House is a block on Gower’s Walk.
Chapel Place Chapel Place was a small alley in Spitalfields.
Chapel Street Chapel Street run off the southern leg of Wheler Street.
Chapman House Chapman House is sited on Westfield Way.
Chapman Street Chapman Street runs between Cannon Street Road and Watney Street.
Charlotte De Rothschild Dwellings The Charlotte De Rothschild Dwellings replaced slum dwellings in 1886.
Chaucer Gardens Chaucer Gardens is a location in London.
Cheshire Street Cheshire Street is a street in the East End linking Brick Lane with Bethnal Green and Whitechapel.
Chesney House Chesney House is a block on Westfield Way.
Chesworth Court Chesworth Court is one of the blocks grouped around Fulneck Place.
Cheviot House Cheviot House is sited on Commercial Road.
Chi Building Chi Building is located on Crowder Street.
Chicksand House Chicksand House is sited on Chicksand Street.
Chicksand Street Chicksand Street runs east from Brick Lane.
Christian Street Christian Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Christopher Court Christopher Court is a block on Leman Street.
Chronos Building Chronos Building is a building on Mile End Road.
Chudleigh Street Chudleigh Street was called Albany Street until 1938.
Church House Church House is a block on Wellclose Square.
Circle Place A street within the E1 postcode
Cityscape Apartments Cityscape Apartments is sited on Heneage Street.
Clare Alexander House Clare Alexander House can be found on Turner Street.
Clark Street Clark Street is a long and old street of Stepney.
Clearbrook Way Clearbrook Way is a modern cul-de-sac, running west off West Arbour Street.
Cleveland Grove Cleveland Grove, a cul-de-sac, leads west from Cleveland Street.
Cleveland Street Cleveland Street replaced the delightfully-named Red Cow Lane.
Cleveland Way Cleveland Way commemorates the Wentworth family, lords of the manor of Stepney from 1550 and earls of Cleveland from 1626-67.
Clichy House Clichy House is a block on Stepney Way.
Clovelly Way A street within the E1 postcode
Club Row Club Row is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Coalstore Court Coalstore Court is sited on Candle Street.
Cobb Street Cobb Street was laid out in 1899-1904 by Sir Algernon Osborn.
Coburg Dwellings Coburg Dwellings is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Codrington Court Codrington Court is sited on Scott Street.
Coke Street Charles Street was renamed to Coke Street, E1 in 1882.
Colchester Street Colchester Street connected Plough Street with Leman Street.
Colebert Avenue Colebert Avenue was named in 1948.
Colebert House Colebert House can be found on Colebert Avenue.
Colefax Building Colefax Building is a block on Plumbers Row.
Colin Winter House Colin Winter House is a block on Nicholas Road.
College East College East is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Collingwood House Collingwood House is a block on Cambridge Heath Road.
Collingwood Street Collingwood Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Colmar Close Colmar Close was redeveloped out of the southern part of the former Carlton Road (now Portelet Road).
Colstead House Colstead House is a block on Watney Market.
Colverson House Colverson House is a block on the Sidney Estate.
Comfort House Comfort House is a block on Turner Street.
Commercial House Commercial House is a block on Commercial Street.
Commercial Road Commercial Road is a major thoroughfare (the A13) running east-west from the junction of Burdett Road and East India Dock Road to Braham Street.
Commercial Street Commercial Street is a major thoroughfare running north-south from Shoreditch High Street to Whitechapel High Street.
Commodore Street Commodore Street is the eastern extension of Shandy Street.
Coney Way Coney Way is a road in the SW8 postcode area
Coopers Close Coopers Close is a road built over the site of the Anchor Brewery.
Copley Street Copley Street now runs south from Stepney Way.
Coppergate House Residential block
Coral House Coral House is a block on Harford Street.
Corbet Place Corbet Place - an L-shaped street, onto which back several large industrial buildings of the early/mid-twentieth century.
Cornell Building Cornell Building is a block on Coke Street.
Cornerstone Court Cornerstone Court is a building on Hemming Street.
Cornwall Street Cornwall Street was an original street of the area but nearly the entire street was destroyed during the Second World War.
Cornwood Drive Cornwood Drive runs off Jubilee Street.
Corrigham House Corrigham House is a block on Pitsea Street.
Cosmo Apartments Cosmo Apartments is sited on Westport Street.
Cottage Court Cottage Court was situated off Hayfield Passage, first visible on the 1860s mapping.
Court Street Court Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Coventry Road A street within the E1 postcode
Coventry Street Suffolk Street was renamed to Coventry Street, E2 in 1881.
Coverley Close Coverley Close is a road in the E1 postcode area
Crellin Street The former John Street became Crellin Street in 1904.
Cressy Court Cressy Court was called Little Union Place until 1937.
Cressy House Cressy House was built at the corner of Cressy Place and Hannibal Road in 1894.
Cressy Place Cressy Place is one of the older streets in Stepney Green.
Crinoline Mews A street within the E1 postcode
Crispin Place Crispin Place is the result of a regeneration programme within Spitalfields Market.
Crispin Street Crispin Street was developed in the late 17th century as part of the Wheler estate.
Crofts Street Crofts Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Cromarty House Cromarty House is a block on Aston Street.
Cross Street Cross Street is an old East End street.
Crowder Street A street within the E1 postcode
Crown Court Crown Court was a small courtyard off Little Pearl Street.
Cudworth Street Cudworth Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Cygnet Street Cygnet Street is a location in London.
Dagobert House Dagobert House is a block on Smithy Street.
Dakin Place Dakin Place is one of a confusion of small roads leading off White Horse Road.
Dame Colet House Dame Colet House is a block on Ben Jonson Road.
Damien Court Damien Court is a block on Damien Street.
Damien Street Damien Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Daniel Gilbert House Daniel Gilbert House is a block on Code Street.
Danvers House Danvers House is a block on Greatorex street.
Darbishire Place Darbishire Place is a location in London.
Darling Place Darling Place was merged into Darling Row.
Darling Row Darling Row is a road in the E1 postcode area
Davenant House Davenant House is a block on Old Montague Street.
Davenant Street Davenant Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Davis Terrace Davis Terrace is an old East End street.
Dawson House Dawson House is a block on Walden Street.
Deal Street Deal Street dates from the mid 1840s.
Dean House Dean House is a block on Tarling Street.
Deancross Street Deancross Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Define House Define House is a block on Hessel Street.
Delafield House Delafield House is a building on Umberston Street.
Dellow House Dellow House is a block on Dellow Street.
Dellow Street Dellow Street was once Blue Gate Fields.
DeMazenod House DeMazenod House is a block on Chamber Street.
Dempsey Street Dempsey Street was created before 1830 along with surrounding streets.
Denning Point 33 Commercial Street A block within the E1 postcode
Devonport Street Devonport Street connects Commercial Road and Cable Street.
Devonshire Court Devonshire Court is a block on Bancroft Road.
Devonshire Square Devonshire Square lies at the end of Devonshire Row.
Devonshire Street Devonshire Street East (and West) became Devonshire Street in 1865.
Dickson House Dickson House is a building on Philpot Street.
Diggon Street Diggon Street is now a small remnant cul-de-sac off Stepney Way.
District Court District Court is sited on Commercial Road.
Dock Street Dock Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Donegal House Donegal House was built in 1970 as part of the Collingwood Estate.
Dongola Road Dongola Road connects Duckett Street and Harford Street.
Donovan House Donovan House probably dates from the 1960s.
Dorset Street Dorset Street was a small thoroughfare running east-west from Crispin Street to Commercial Street.
Doveton House Doveton House is a block on Doveton Street.
Doveton Street Doveton Street was formerly Queen Street (until 1883), Queen’s Court and Peacock Place (earlier).
Downey House Downey House is a block on Globe Road.
Downy House Downy House is a residential block near to the Horn of Plenty.
Dowson House Dowson House is located on Commercial Road.
Dowson Place Dowson Place appears on the 1862 Stanford map.
Drake House Drake House can be found on Stepney Way.
Dray Walk Dray Walk is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Drewett House Drewett House can be found on Christian Street.
Drewton Street Drewton Street was previously James Street.
Driver’s Buildings Driver’s Buildings was a courtyard off Mile End Road.
Dron House Dron House is a block on Adelina Grove.
Dryden Building Dryden Building is a block on Commercial Road.
Duckett Street Duckett Street runs from Ernest Street to Ben Jonson Road.
Duncart Street Duncan Street became Camperdown Street in 1921.
Dunch Street Dunch Street is a street in
Dundalk House Dundalk House faces Clark Street.
Dunelm Street Fair Street was renamed Dunelm Street in 1939.
Dunk Street Dunk Street ran parallel to Great Garden Street (now Greatorex Street) to the west and King Edward Street, which has also ceased to exist, to the east.
Dunstan Houses Dunstan Houses on Stepney Green were built in 1899 by the East End Dwellings Company to provide housing for the poor.
Durham Row Durham Row is a path leading west from White Horse Road.
Duru House Duru House is a block on Commercial Road.
Durward Street Durward Street is a narrow thoroughfare running east-west from Brady Street to Baker’s Row (today’s Vallance Road).
Duval Square Duval Square is a location in London.
Eagle House Eagle House can be found on Headlam Street.
East Arbour Street East Arbour Street leads north from Arbour Square.
East Cross Centre East Cross Centre is one of the streets of London in the E15postal area.
East Flank East Flank is a road in the SE18 postcode area
East India House East India House is located on Devonshire Square.
East Mount Street East Mount Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
East Street East Street was one of the entrances into Spitalfields Market.
East Tenter Street East Tenter Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Eastbury Terrace Eastbury Terrace has a complicated history as a street name.
Eaton Place Eaton Place seems to have originated in the 1860s and was renamed Shiloh Place in 1938.
Ebor Street Ebor Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Eden House Eden House is a block on Spital Square.
Edith Ramsey House Edith Ramsey House is a block on Duckett Street.
Education Square Education Square is a location in London.
Edward Mann Close East A street within the E1 postcode
Edward Street Edward Street connected Cephas Street with Nicholas Street.
Edwards Passage Edwards Passage leads north off Mile End Road beside the Trinity Almshouses.
Edwin Street Edwin Street runs south from Cephas Street.
Elan Court Elan Court is a block on Newark Street.
Elder Street Elder Street was laid out from 1722 as part of the St John and Tillard Estate.
Elektra House Elektra House is a block on Ashfield Street.
Elizabeth Bates Court Elizabeth Bates Court is a block on Mile End Road.
Ellen Julia Court Ellen Julia Court is a block on James Voller Way.
Ellen Place Ellen Place existed until the twentieth century.
Ellen Street Ellen Street is an older street of the area, already existing and with this name by the 1820s.
Ellis Court Ellis Court is a block on James Voller Way.
Ely Place Ely Place appears on the 1862 Stanford map.
Ely Terrace Friendly Place was renamed Ely Terrace in 1879.
Elysium Apartments Elysium Apartments can be found on Theven Street.
Embassy Court Embassy Court is a block on Brady Street.
Emmott Close Emmott Close runs parallel to the Grand Union Canal.
Empire House Empire House is a block on New Road.
Ensign Street Ensign Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Ensigreen Street A street within the E1 postcode
Enterprise House A street within the E1 postcode
Epping Place Epping Place was an old name for the northernmost end of Sidney Street.
Ernest Street Ernest Street was one of the few streets in the area to survive the Blitz.
Esprit Court Esprit Court is a block on Brune Street.
Essex Street Essex Street, at first called Isaac Street, was largely redeveloped after the Second World War.
Essian Street Essian Street was formerly Emmott Street, replacing it in 1963.
Evelyn House Evelyn House is a block on Greatorex Street.
Everard House Everard House is a block on Ellen Street.
Exmouth Court Exmouth Court appears on the 1900 map.
Exmouth Place Exmouth Place is on the 1860 map.
Exmouth Street Exmouth Street was largely destroyed during the Second World War and replaced by residential blocks on the Clicky Estate.
Fabian House Fabian House is a block on Cannon Street Road.
Fair Street Fair Street ran from Oxford Street to Charles Street.
Fairclough Street Fairclough Street runs from Back Church Lane to Christian Street.
Fakruddin Street A street within the E1 postcode
Farrier Court Farrier Court is a block on the corner of White Horse Lane and Killick Way.
Fashion Street Fashion Street is a thoroughfare running east-west from Brick Lane to Commercial Street.
Fellbrigg Street Norfolk Street, E1 was renamed as Fellbrigg Street, E1 in 1883.
Fenton Street Fenton Street runs south from Commercial Road.
Field House Field House can be found on Buxton Street.
Fieldgate Mansions Fieldgate Mansions is a significant complex of tenement dwellings that was constructed between 1903 and 1907.
Fieldgate Street Fieldgate Street was once a lane leading across fields to St Dunstan’s Church.
Finch Street Finch Street lay along the line of present day Monthope Road.
Firewatch Court Firewatch Court is a block on Candle Street.
Fisher House Fisher House probably dates from the 1960s.
Flank Street Flank Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Fletcher Street Fletcher Street runs south off of Cable Street.
Fleur De Lis Street Fleur De Lis Street runs west from Commercial Street.
Flintlock Close Flintlock Close is a location in London.
Floreston Street Floreston Street seems to have been added to the Stepney Green area during the 1860s.
Florin Court Florin Court is a block on Dock Street.
Flower and Dean Street Flower and Dean Street was a narrow street running east-west from Commercial Street to Brick Lane.
Flower and Dean Walk Flower and Dean Walk is a street of social housing created in the 1980s.
Floyer House Floyer House is a block on Philpot Street.
Foley House Foley House is a block on Tarling Street.
Folgate Street Folgate Street, formerly White Lion Yard and White Lion Street, has 17th century origins.
Forbes Street Forbes Street replaced Splidts Street after the Second World War.
Ford House Ford House is a block on Ford Square.
Ford Square Ford Square is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Fordham Street Fordham Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Formosa House Formosa House is a residential block, commissioned in 1956.
Fort Street Fort Street was formerly Duke Street.
Fort Street There was originally a second Fort Street - besides the renamed Duke Street.
Foster Street Foster Street may date from the 1830s.
Foundry Court Foundry Court is a block on Plumbers Row.
Fournier Street Fournier Street is a street running east-west from Brick Lane to Commercial Street alongside Christ Church.
Fox Close Most local street names - Fox Close included - commemorated local victims of the Blitz.
Francis Bancroft Building The Francis Bancroft Building is one of the blocks surrounding the Novo Cemetery.
Frankie House Frankie House is a block on Whitby Street.
Frazer House Frazer House can be found on Leman Street.
Fremantle House Fremantle House is located on Brady Street.
Friendly Place Friendly Place ran behind buildings on Mile End Road.
Frimley Street The remaining evidence of Frimley Street is a short, unnamed alleyway off the Mile End Road.
Frimley Way Frimley Way was built after 1966 by the London County Council.
Frostic Walk Frostic Walk leads from Chicksand Street to Old Montague Street.
Frying Pan Alley Frying Pan Alley is situated close to Middlesex Street and its Petticoat Lane market.
Fulbourne Street Fulbourne Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Fulneck Place Fulneck Place is a short cul-de-sac which runs under a modern arch.
Galveston House Galveston House’s six floors contain 60 flats.
Galway House Galway House is a block on White Horse Lane.
Garamond Building Garamond Building is a block on Crowder Street.
Garden Street Garden Street lies to the rear of what was called ’King John’s Palace’.
Gardom Street Gardom Street was a former street of Stepney.
Garrod Building Garrod Building is a block on Turner Street.
Gateway House Gateway House is a block on Cavell Street.
Gemini Apartments Gemini Apartments is located on Sclater Street.
Genoa House Genoa House is located on Mile End Road.
Geography Square Geography Square is an open space within Queen Mary University of London.
George Leybourne House George Leybourne House is a block on Wellclose Square.
George Scott House George Scott House is a block on West Arbour Street.
George Street George Street was a street running north-south from Flower and Dean Street to Wentworth Street, crossing Thrawl Street approx. half way along its length..
George Yard Buildings George Yard Buildings was a lodging house erected around 1875.
Gibson Close Gibson Close originated in 1948.
Globe Apartments The Globe Apartments are located on Globe Road on the corner of Portman Place.
Globe Road Globe Road is an older road of Stepney, mentioned as ’the lane from Bethnal Green to Mile End’ in 1581.
Godward Square Godward Square is a road in the E1 postcode area
Gold Street Prospect Place was renamed as Gold Street in 1882.
Golding Street Golding Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Goodman Stile Goodman Stile is a location in London.
Goodman Street A street within the E1 postcode
Goodman’s Yard Goodman’s Yard is a street between Minories and Mansell Street.
Goodmans Yard A street within the E1 postcode
Gosling House Gosling House is a block near to the Martineau Estate.
Goulston Street Goulston Street is a thoroughfare running north-south from Wentworth Street to Whitechapel High Street.
Gower’s Walk Gower’s Walk leads south from Commercial Road.
Graces Alley A street within the E1 postcode
Granary Road Granary Road is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Grand Walk A street within the E1 postcode
Grantley Street Grantley Street was formerly called Grafton Street until 1938.
Gravel Lane Gravel Lane is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Great Pearl Street Great Pearl Street was once a major street of the area.
Greatorex House Greatorex House is sited on Greatorex Street.
Greatorex Street Greatorex Street was formerly called High Street.
Grebe Court Swan Court - later Grebe Court - was a small courtyard off Driver’s Buildings.
Green Dragon Yard A street within the E1 postcode
Greenfield Road Greenfield Road is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Greenfield Street Greenfield Street is an old East End street.
Greenland House Greenland House is a block on Ernest Street.
Greenwich Court Greenwich Court is sited on Cavell Street.
Grey Eagle Street Grey Eagle Street was part of the Wilkes Estate with building leases granted in 1761.
Grindall House Grindall House is a building on Collingwood Street.
Grosvenor Street Grosvenor Street was renamed Mountmorres Road in 1939.
Grove Dwellings Grove Dwellings - in separate blocks - were built in 1910 on land leased from the Mercers company.
Guinea Court Guinea Court is a building on Dock Street.
Guinness Court Guinness Court is a block on Guinness Court.
Gun Street Gun Street was part of the Old Artillery Ground - land formerly designated one of the Liberties of the Tower of London.
Gun Yard Gun Yard ran west out of Norton Folgate.
Gunthorpe Street Gunthorpe Street is a narrow street running north-south from Wentworth Street to Whitechapel High Street.
Gwynne House Gwynne House is located on Turner Street.
Hadfield House Hadfield House is a block on Ellen Street.
Hadleigh Close Hadleigh Close is a right-angled road, part of the Rogers Estate.
Hadleigh House Hadleigh House is located on Lang Street.
Hadleigh Street Hadleigh Street is one of a number of local streets with an Essex connection.
Hadleigh Walk Hadleigh Walk connects Hadleigh Street to the west.
Hainton Close Hainton Close is a road in the E1 postcode area
Halcrow Street A street within the E1 postcode
Half Moon Passage The southern part of Half Moon Passage remains.
Halliday House Halliday House is a block on Stutfield Street.
Hanbury Hall A street within the E1 postcode
Hanbury House Hanbury House is located on Hanbury Street.
Hanbury Street Hanbury Street is a long road running west-east from Commercial Street to Vallance Road.
Hannah Building Hannah Building is sited on Watney Street.
Hannan Court Hannan Court can be found on Pedley Street.
Hannibal Road Hannibal Road leads south from the junction of Mile End Road and Stepney Green.
Hanson House Hanson House is sited on Philchurch Street.
Hare Street Hare Street once ran from Silver Street to Pole Street.
Harford Street Harford Street is a long north-south street of Stepney Green.
Harkness House Harkness House is a building on Christian Street.
Harpley Square Harpley Square lies to the east of Globe Road.
Harriott House Harriott House is a block on Jamaica Street.
Harrison House Harrison House is a block on Challoner Walk.
Harrow Place Harrow Place is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Harrow Place Harrow Place is an old East End street.
Harvey House Harvey House is a block on Brady Street.
Hatton House Hatton House is a block on Hindmarsh Close.
Havering Street Havering Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Hawke House Hawke House was commissioned in 1953 by the London County Council.
Hawkins Street Hawkins Street is an old East End street, appearing on maps during the 1840s.
Hawksmoor Mews Hawksmoor Mews is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Haydon Square Haydon Square commemorated Captain John Heydon, serving as Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance under Charles I.
Haydon Street The eastern end of Haydon Street was called Mansell Passage.
Hayfield Court Hayfield Court is a block on Hayfield Passage.
Hayfield House Hayfield House is a block on Hayfield Passage.
Hayfield Passage Hayfield Passage leads down to Stepney Green from Mile End Road.
Hayfield Place Hayfield Place was an old courtyard leading south off Mile End Road.
Hayfield Yard Hayfield Yard appears to date from the turn of the nineteenth century and possibly before.
Head Street Head Street replaced Heath Street in 1938.
Headlam Street Headlam Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Heath Street Heath Street was the location of a rope walk by the beginning of the nineteenth century.
Heathpool Court Heathpool Court is a block on Brady Street.
Hemming Street Hemming Street commemorates Edward Hemming, who represented Bethnal Green on the first select vestry of the parish of Stepney in 1589.
Heneage Street Heneage Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Henriques Street Henriques Street was formerly called Berner Street.
Henry Brierley House Henry Brierley House is a block on Varden Street.
Herbert House Herbert House is sited on Old Castle Street.
Hessel Street Hessel Street commemorates Phoebe Hessel (1713-1821), called ’the Stepney Amazon’, who joined the army to be near her lover.
Hindmarsh Close A street within the E1 postcode
Hobson’s Cottages Hobson’s Cottages was situated off Pelham Street.
Hobsons Place Hobsons Place was short cul-de-sac.
Hodgeson House Hodgeson House is sited on Christian Street.
Hogarth Court Hogarth Court is a block on Batty Street.
Holland Gardens Holland Gardens is a location in London.
Holloway Street Holloway Street is an old East End street.
Holton Street Holton Street is a street in two sections, divided by Carlton Square.
Hooper Street Hooper Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Hopetown Street This is a street in the E1 postcode area
Horace Evans House Horace Evans House is a block on Ashfield Street.
Horner Buildings The Horner Buildings are a vestige of the Victorian construction of Old Spitalfields Market.
Horner Square A street within the E1 postcode
Horseley Court Horseley Court is a block on Candle Street, built sometime between 2002 and 2006.
Hubert Ashton House Hubert Ashton House is a block on Varden Street.
Hudson Building Hudson Building is a block on Chicksand Street.
Hughes Mansions Hughes Mansions originally consisted of three roughly similar blocks containing 93 flats spread over the three buildings.
Hunt Street Hunt Street is an old East End street.
Hunton Street Hunton Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Hurdlow House Hurdlow House is sited on Moody Street.
Ibbott Street The name Ibbott Street was approved in 1948.
Ifor Evans Place Ifor Evans Place is named after Sir Ifor Leslie Evans (1897-1952).
Informatics Teaching Laboratory Building The Informatics Teaching Laboratory Building is part of the Queen Mary University of London.
Ionian House Ionian House is a block on Ernest Street.
Ivy House Ivy House is a block on Nelson Street.
Jackson & Joseph Building Jackson & Joseph Building is a building on Princelet Street.
Jacobs Court Jacobs Court is a block on Plumbers Row.
Jacobson House Jacobson House is a block on Old Castle Street.
Jacqueline House Jacqueline House is a building on White Horse Lane.
Jamaica Street Jamaica Street is the successor street to King Street.
James House James House is a one 6-storey block containing 52 dwellings.
James Voller Way A street within the E1 postcode
Jane Street Jane Street is now only a few yards long, with no houses.
Jarman House Jarman House, Beckett House and Wingrand House were built as a single block on the Sidney Estate.
Jean Pardies House Jean Pardies House is a block on Stepney Way.
Jerome Street Jerome Street was formerly Vine Street and part of the Wheler estate.
Joben Court Joben Court is located on Whitman Road.
John Fisher Street A street within the SE1 postcode
John Garnett House John Garnett House is located on Newark Street.
John Harrison House John Harrison House is a block on Varden Street.
John Pritchard House John Pritchard House is sited on Buxton Street.
John Sessions Square John Sessions Square lies off of Alie Street.
John Sinclair Court John Sinclair Court is part of the Flower and Dean Estate.
Johnny Andrews House Johnny Andrews House is a block on Boulcott Street.
Johns Place Despite a post-war expansion of the road name, Johns Place is an older street of Stepney.
Johnson Lock Court Johnson Lock Court can be found on Candle Street.
Johnson Street Johnson Street first appears as John Street on 1820s mapping, but not on 1810s maps.
Joscoyne House Joscoyne House is a block on Philpot Street.
Jubilee Mansions Jubilee Mansions is a block built by Stepney Borough Council between the wars.
Jubilee Street Jubilee Street was built off the then-new Commercial Road and named to commemorate the Jubilee of George III in 1810.
Juniper Street Juniper Street is now simply a cul-de-sac
Justice Apartments Justice Apartments is a block on Aylward Street.
Kempton Court Kempton Court is a block on Durward Street, built in 1995.
Kensington Apartments Kensington Apartments is a block on Pomell Way.
Kent and Essex Yard Kent and Essex Yard ran north of Whitechapel High Street, close to the west side of Commercial Street.
Kent House Kent House is a block on Varden Street.
Kenton House Kenton House is a building on Mantus Road.
Kerry House Kerry House is a block on the southern part of the Sidney Estate.
Key Close Key Close lies off Cambridge Heath Road.
Killick Way Killick Way is a modern road south of the Ocean Estate.
Kiln House Kiln House is a block on Killick Way.
Kinder Street A street within the E1 postcode
Kindersley House Kindersley House is a block on Philchurch Street.
King David Lane King David Lane connects Cable Street with The Highway.
King John Court King John Court runs between Holywell Lane and New Inn Yard.
King John Street King John Street leads off Stepney Green.
King Street King Street was one of two King Streets in Stepney, the other being nearer to Bethnal Green.
King Street King Street was renamed Wickford Street in 1912.
Kings Arms Court Kings Arms Court lies off Old Montague Street.
Kingward House Kingward House is a block on Greatorex Street.
Kingward Street King Edward Street is an old East End street.
Kiran Apartments Kiran Apartments is located on Chicksand Street.
Knock Fergus Knock Fergus was absorbed into Cable Street during the 1860s.
Kushiyara House Kushiyara House is a block on Pedley Street.
Lace Court Lace Court is sited on Masters Street.
Ladbroke House Ladbroke House is a block on Commercial Street.
Lady Micos Almshouses Lady Micos Almshouses offers lodgings exclusively for women in Stepney.
Lake Street Lake Street was at first called Thomas Street.
Lamb Street Lamb Street is an old road of Spitalfields, possibly dating from the 1600s.
Lang Street Lang Street is a post-war road.
Langdale Street Langdale Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Langmore House Langmore House is a block on Stutfield Street.
Latham House Latham House is a block on Chudleigh Street.
Lavender House Lavender House is a block on Commercial Road.
Le Moal House Le Moal House is a block on Stepney Way.
Leigh House Leigh House is a block on Halcrow Street.
Leman Street Leman Street was named after Sir John Leman.
Levant House Levant House is a six-story block with 24 flats on the Ocean Estate.
Levitas House Levitas House are flats situated on Jubilee Street, dating from 2020.
Leyden Street Leyden Street was laid out in 1899-1904 by Sir Algernon Osborn.
Liberty House Liberty House can be found on Ensign Street.
Lighterman Mews Lighterman Mews is 1990s development.
Lilian Knowles House Lilian Knowles House is a block on Crispin Street.
Lindley House Lindley House is a block on Lindley Street.
Lindley Street Lindley Street first appeared on a Stepney map during the 1840s.
Lister House Lister House is located on Lomas Street.
Litcham House Litcham House is a block on Longnor Road.
Little Collingwood Street Little Collingwood Street once ran parallel with Collingwood Street.
Little Pearl Street Little Pearl Street ran south from Great Pearl Street.
Little Prescot Street Little Prescot Street once ran off Royal Mint Street.
Little Somerset Street Little Somerset Street was originally called Harrow Alley but colloquially known as ’Blood Alley.’
Lodge House Lodge House is located on Westfield Way.
Lolesworth Close Lolesworth Close is a short cul-de-sac on the east side of Commercial Street which was originally the western extremity of Flower and Dean Street.
Lolesworth Street Lolesworth Street was renamed from George Street in 1893.
Lomas Street A street within the E1 postcode
Longford House Longford House is a one of a number of Irish county themed blocks dating from the late 1950s.
Longnor Road Longnor Road is a road in the E1 postcode area
Lorne House Lorne House can be found on Ben Jonson Road.
Lotus Court Lotus Court was approached through an archway on Hanbury Street.
Louisa Street Louisa Street leads off Beaumont Grove.
Louise De Marillac House Louise De Marillac House is a block on Jubilee Street.
Lower John Street Lower John Street (also simply ’John Street’) was short-lived street name of Stepney.
Lowood House Lowood House is located on Bewley Street.
Lowood Street Lowood Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Luke House Luke House is located on Tillman Street.
Lukin Street Lukin Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Luntley Place Luntley Place appears on the 1862 Stanford map.
Lydia Street Lydia Street was located along White Horse Lane just north of the modern Shandy Street.
Lynden House Lynden House is a block on Longnor Road.
Maddocks House Maddocks House is a block on Cable Street.
Magellan House Magellan House, a six-storey block with 23 flats, is part of the Ocean Estate.
Magpie Alley Magpie Alley was an old name for the western section of Fleur de Lys Street.
Malcolm Place Malcolm Place runs along the railway and the south edge of Bethnal Green Gardens.
Malcolm Road Malcolm Road was a new name for the southern section of Braintree Street after 1949.
Malplaquet House Malplaquet House is a Grade II listed Georgian building at 137-139 Mile End Road in Stepney.
Malthouse Apartments Malthouse Apartments is a block on Caroline Street.
Manningtree Street Manningtree Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Manous House Manous House is a block on Hessel Street.
Mansell Street Mansell Street runs north-south on the City of London border.
Mantus Close Mantus Close was named after one of the Stepney victims of the Blitz.
Mantus Road Mantus Road runs south of the railway line into Bethnal Green,
Maples Place Cannon Place became Maples Place in 1938.
Marden House Marden House is located on Batty Street.
Maria Terrace Maria Terrace lies off Beaumont Square.
Mariana Court Mariana Court is a block on Assembly Passage.
Market Street Market Street serves Spitalfields Market.
Marshgate House Marshgate House is a building on Bromehead Street.
Martha Street Martha Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Martineau Square A street within the E1 postcode
Mary Graces Court A street within the E1 postcode
Maryann Street Maryann Street existed from the 1810s until after the Second World War.
Massingham Street Massingham Street was called Norfolk Street until 1938.
Masters Street Masters Street is the western extension of Bohn Road.
Matcham Court Matcham Court is a block on Hannibal Road.
Mathematical Sciences Building The Mathematical Sciences Building is part of Queen Mary University of London.
Maynard House Maynard House is a block on Westfield Way.
Mayo House Mayo House is a block on Lindley Street.
Mcauley House Mcauley House is a building on Wentworth Street.
McCalla House McCalla House is located on Pedley Street.
McGlashon House McGlashon House is a block on Hunton Street.
Meadowcroft Mews A street within the E1 postcode
Meath Bridge Meath Bridge is a road in the E1 postcode area
Meath Crescent Meath Crescent is a road in the E2 postcode area
Mellish House Mellish House is a block on Varden Street.
Melwood House Melwood House is a block on Watney Street.
Meranti House Meranti House can be found on Goodman’s Stile.
Mercer Court Mercer Court was built sometime between 2002 and 2006.
Merceron Street Merceron Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Michael’s House Michael’s House is a block on Alie Street.
Middlesex Street Middlesex Street is home to the Petticoat Lane Market.
Mile End Place A quiet side street off the bustling Mile End Road, lies a small and enchanting enclave known as Mile End Place.
Mile End Road Mile End Road is an ancient route from London to the East, moved to its present alignment after the foundation of Bow Bridge in 1110.
Mill Yard Mill Yard is a road in the E1 postcode area
Miller’s Court Millers Court was a small court leading north from Dorset Street.
Milrood House Milrood House is a block on Stepney Green.
Milward Street Milward Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Mitali Passage A street within the E1 postcode
Mocatta House Mocatta House is a block on Brady Street.
Molesworth Street Molesworth Street is an old East End street.
Monmouth House Residential block
Monsey Place Monsey Place serves the Rhodewell Apartments.
Montague Court Montague Court is an old East End street.
Monthope Road This is a street in the E1 postcode area
Montpelier Place Montpelier Place is a road in the E1 postcode area
Moody Street Moody Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Moore House Moore House is a block on the Martineau Estate.
Moray House Moray House can be found on Sandalwood Close.
Morecambe Close Morecambe Close is a modern road leading off Beaumont Square.
Morris Street Morris Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Morton Close This is a street in the E1 postcode area
Moss Close A street within the E1 postcode
Mount Terrace Mount Terrace is a road in the E1 postcode area
Mountmorres Road Grosvenor Street was called Mountmorres Road after 1939.
Mulberry Court Mulberry Court is a block on School Mews.
Mulberry Street Mulberry Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Mullan House Mullan House is a block on Nelson Street.
Musbury Street Musbury Street is a street of post-war blocks of flats.
Myrdle Court Myrdle Court is a block on Myrdle Street.
Myrdle Street Myrdle Street leads south from Fieldgate Street.
Nantes Passage Nantes Passage (also Church Passage) was built for Huguenot weavers.
Nathaniel Close Nathaniel Close consists of houses and flats built in the early 1980s.
Nelson Street Nelson Street runs between New Road and Cavell Street.
Neroli House Neroli House is a building on Piazza Walk.
New Belvedere House New Belvedere House is a block on White Horse Road.
New Church Street New Church Street led from Pedley Street to Buxton Street.
New Court New Court was situated off Wentworth Street..
New Drum Street A street within the E1 postcode
New Evershed House New Evershed House is located on Old Castle Street.
New Goulston Street New Goulston Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
New Inn Yard New Inn Yard once ran through Holywell Priory at the western end of which was the world’s first ’theatre’.
New Loom House New Loom House is a block on Back Church Lane.
New Road New Road is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
New Square New Square was a yard south of Quaker Street.
Newark Street Newark Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Newbold Cottages Newbold Cottages is a block in Stepney.
Newbold Street First appearing on the 1870 map, Newbold Street disappeared during the post-war rebuilding of the area.
Newton House Newton House is a 6-storey block on Cornwall Street.
Nicholas Road Nicholas Road replaced the pre-war Nicholas Street.
Nicholas Street The former Green Street was given the name Nicholas Street in 1882.
Nijjer House Nijjer House is a block on Commercial Road.
Noble Court Noble Court is a block on Cable Street.
Norfolk Street Norfolk Street ran east from Globe Road.
North Street North Street was one of the named entrance streets into Old Spitalfields Market.
North Tenter Street North Tenter Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Northesk House Northesk House is a block on Tent Street.
Norton Folgate Norton Folgate links Bishopsgate and Shoreditch High Street.
Norton House Norton House is a block on Cannon Street Road.
Norvin House Norvin House can be found on Commercial Street.
Nottingham Place Nottingham Place is an old East End street.
Novem House Novem House is a block on Chicksand Street.
O’Leary Square O’Leary Square is a development of the Sidney Estate.
Oasis Court Oasis Court is a block on Mile End Road.
Octagon Street Octagon Street appears on maps between 1900 and 1950.
Odeon Court Odeon Court is a block on Chicksand Street.
Odette Duval House Odette Duval House is a 9-storey block containing 52 dwellings.
Ogilvie House Ogilvie House is a block on Stepney Causeway.
Old Castle Street Old Castle Street runs north-south from Wentworth Street to Whitechapel High Street, the southern section of which incorporates the former Castle Alley, murder site of Ripper victim Alice McKenzie.
Old Church Road Old Church Road originally extended north from Commercial Road to Stepney Way, opposite St Dunstan’s Church.
Old Montague Street Old Montague Street is a thoroughfare running east-west from Baker’s Row (now Vallance Road) to Brick Lane.
Old Pump House Old Pump House is a block on Hooper Street.
Oley Place Oley Place - originally Wellington Street - was part of an estate belonging to Clare College, Cambridge.
Orchid Apartments Orchid Apartments is a block on Crowder Street.
Orion House Orion House is an 11-storey block on the Collingwood Estate.
Osborn House Osborn House is a block on Middlesex Street.
Osborn Place Osborn Place appears on maps between 1800 and 1900.
Osborn Street Osborn Street is a short road leading from Whitechapel Road to the crossroads with Brick Lane, Wentworth Street and Old Montague Street.
Osborne House Osborne House is a block on Osborn Street.
Osier Court Osier Court is a block on Osier Street.
Osier Street Osier Street inherited part of the former Willow Street.
Pace Place Pace Place was formerly Little Ann Street before 1937.
Pacific Court Pacific Court is a building on Assembly Passage.
Pacific House Pacific House is a block on Ernest Street.
Painter House Painter House is a block on Sidney Street.
Palliser House Palliser House can be found on Ernest Street.
Panama House Panama House is a block on Beaumont Square.
Parfett Street Parfett Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Park House Park House is a block on Mile End Road.
Park Lane City Apartments Park Lane City Apartments is a block on Middlesex Street.
Parliament Court Parliament Court was laid out in the 1680s as part of the development of the Old Artillery Ground.
Patriot House Patriot House is a block on Hessel Street.
Pattison House Pattison House is a block on Aylward Street.
Pattison Street Pattison Street ran southeast from a junction with Jamaica Street.
Pauline House Pauline House is a block on Old Montague Street.
Pavilion House Pavilion House is a block on Greatorex Street.
Paxton House A street within the E1 postcode
Pecks Yard A street within the E1 postcode
Pedley Street Pedley Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Pegasus House Pegasus House is one of the post-war blocks surrounding Beaumont Square.
Pegswood Court Pegswood Court is a block on Cable Street.
Pelham Street Pelham Street was the former name of Woodseer Street.
Pelican House Pelican House is a block on Cambridge Heath Road.
Pellew House Pellew House is a block on Somerford Street.
Pemell Close Pemell Close marks one of the names - chosen by lot - of Stepney residents killed in Second World War air raids.
Pemell House Pemell House is a block on Pemell Close.
Penine House Penine House is a block on Camperdown Street.
Pereira Street Pereira Street ran north/south in Bethnal Green.
Perilla House Perilla House is a building on Bridle Mews.
Perth Street Perth Street was created as St Vincent Street during the 1830s.
Peter Best House Peter Best House can be found on Nelson Street.
Peter Landin Building Peter Landin Building is a building on Godward Square.
Petticoat Square A street within the postcode
Petticoat Tower Petticoat Tower is a block on Middlesex Street.
Pevensey House Pevensey House is a block on Ben Jonson Road.
Philchurch Place Philchurch Place is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Philchurch Street Philchurch Street, which disappeared after the Second World War, was originally Philip Street.
Philippe Roth Catering Philippe Roth Catering is a location in London.
Philpot Street Philpot Street commemorates the prominent local family of Philpot or Philipot;
Phoenix Court Phoenix Court is a block on Cudworth Street.
Piazza Walk Piazza Walk is a location in London.
Pimento House Pimento House is located on Gower’s Walk.
Pinchin Street Pinchin Street is an east-west thoroughfare stretching from Christian Street to Back Church Lane.
Pitsea Street Pitsea Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Platinium Court Platinium Court is a block on Cephas Avenue.
Plumbers Row Plumbers Row is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Pole Street Pole Street became part of Stepney Green Park.
Pomell Way Pomell Way is a road in the E1 postcode area
Ponler Street Ponler Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Pool’s Square Pool’s Square - sometimes Poole’s Square - was a courtyard behind Quaker Street.
Pooley House Pooley House is a block on Westfield Way.
Poonah Street Poonah Street first appears as a name in 1891.
Pope’s Head Court Pope’s Head Court was a courtyard south of Quaker Street.
Porchester House Porchester House is sited on Varden Street.
Portelet Road Portelet Road runs north from Carlton Square.
Portland Street Portland Street was replaced by Westport Street in 1939.
Portman Place Portman Place crosses Globe Road north of the railway tracks.
Potter House Potter House is a block on Beaufort Gardens.
Powlesland Court Powlesland Court is a block on White Horse Road.
Prescot House Prescot House is a block on Prescot Street.
Prescot Street Prescot Street was named for Rebecca Prescott, wife of William Leman.
Press House Press House can be found on Trafalgar Gardens.
Prince of Orange Court Prince of Orange Court was a former street in the area.
Princelet Street Princelet Street started its life as Princes Street.
Princes Street Princes Street appeared on the 1750s Rocque map but was into surrounding streetnames soon afterwards.
Princes Street Princes Street was a former name for the northern section of Dempsey Street.
Proud House Proud House is a block on Amazon Street.
Puma Court Puma Court was formerly known as Red Lion Court.
Quaker Street Quaker Street was at first called Westbury Street.
Quantum Court Quantum Court is a block on King David Lane.
Queen Street In 1883, King Street, E1 became Queen Street, E1.
Queen’s Place Queen’s Place seems to have been a victim of the London Blitz.
Rahere Court Rahere Court is a block on Toby Lane.
Railton House Railton House is a block on Arbour Square.
Ramar House Ramar House is a building on Hanbury Street.
Ramar Place Ramar Place was a tiny Whitechapel back street.
Rampart Street Rampart Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Raven Row Raven Row appears in 1832, probably named for the builder.
Raynham House Raynham House is a building on Harpley Square.
Rectory Square Rectory Square, dating from the 1860s, was named from the rectory of St Dunstan’s parish church nearby.
Recurrence Apartments Recurrence Apartments is located on Commercial Road.
Red Cow Lane Red Cow Lane was an ancient Stepney thoroughfare linking Dog Row with Mile End Road.
Redcastle Close Redcastle Close arrived with the construction of the Glamis Estate.
Redchurch Street Redchurch Street is one of the streets of London in the E2postal area.
Redclyf House Redclyf House is a block on Stothard Street.
Redmans Road Redmans Road is a long east-west road of Stepney.
Redmill House Redmill House is a block on Headlam Street.
Regal Close Regal Close is a road in the E1 postcode area
Resolution Plaza Resolution Plaza is a location in London.
Richard Neale House Richard Neale House is a 6-storey block, originally built as part of the Tarling Estate.
Richard Street Richard Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Richardson Street Richardson Street ran from Lindley Street to Wolsey Street.
Richmix Square Richmix Square is a location in London.
Rickman House Rickman House is a block on Rickman Street.
Rickman Street Rickman Street was a street from the immediate post-war period.
Riga Mews A street within the E1 postcode
Rix Court Rix Court was replaced by a wool warehouse sometime during the twentieth century.
Robert Sutton House Robert Sutton House is a block on Tarling Street.
Rochelle Court Rochelle Court are flats with shops underneath from 1938.
Roland Mews Roland Mews emerges through an archway under Roland House.
Romford Street Romford Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Ronald Street Ronald Street appeared in a series of parallel streets first emerging in the 1830s.
Rope Walk Gardens Rope Walk Gardens is a location in London.
Rose Court Rose Court runs off Widegate Street.
Rosea House Rosea House is sited on Boulcott Street.
Rosery Court Rosery Court was built on the site of St Dunstan’s Rectory.
Royal Mint Court Royal Mint Court is a block on Royal Mint Court.
Royal Mint Place Royal Mint Place is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Royal Mint Street Royal Mint Street began its life as Rosemary Lane.
Ruby House Ruby House is located on Myrdle Street.
Rupert Street Rupert Street was situated to the east of Leman Street.
Russell Street Little Russell Street became Russell Street in 1864 (7996).
Rutherford House Rutherford House is a block on Brady Street.
Ryder House Ryder House is a block on Colebert Avenue.
Sage Street This is a street in the E1 postcode area
Sambrook House Sambrook House is a block on Stepney Way.
Samuel Street Samuel Street disappeared post-war and was largely absorbed into Wicker Street.
Sandalwood Close A street within the E1 postcode
Sander Street Sander Street ran from Back Church Lane to Berner Street (Henriques Street).
Sandhurst House Sandhurst House can be found on Wolsey Street.
Sandy’s Row Sandy’s Row runs along the City of London boundary.
Sapphire Court Sapphire Court is a block on Ensign Street.
Satin House Satin House is a block on Canter Way.
Scarborough Street This is a street in the E1 postcode area
Sceptre House Sceptre House is a block on Malcolm Road.
Sceptre Street The southernmost section of Sceptre Road was called Sceptre Street.
Sclater Street Sclater Street connects Bethnal Green Road and Brick Lane.
Scott Street Scott Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Selby Street Selby Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Selincourt House Selincourt House is a block on Westfield Way.
Senrab Street Senrab Street is the name ’Barnes’ reversed.
Settles Street Settles Street links Fieldgate Street with Commercial Road.
Seven Stars Yard A street within the E1 postcode
Severne Street Severne Street - also Severn Street - was a victim of the London Blitz.
Shadwell Gardens Shadwell Gardens serves the Shadwell Gardens Estate.
Shadwell Place Shadwell Place is a road in the E1 postcode area
Shah Paran House Shah Paran House is a block on Pedley Street.
Shandy Street Shandy Street connects Beaumont Square with Harford Street.
Shead Court Shead Court is a block on James Voller Way.
Shearsmith House Shearsmith House is a building on Hindmarsh Close.
Sheba Place A street within the E1 postcode
Sheba Street After 1893, the new name for Queen Street was Sheba Street, E1
Sherren House Sherren House can be found on Nicholas Road.
Shiloh Place Eaton Place became Shiloh Place in 1938.
Shipwright House Shipwright House is a block on Boulcott Street.
Shoreditch High Street Shoreditch High Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Sidney Square Sidney Square is an old square dating from the 1820s.
Sidney Street Sidney Street is a notably historic street of the East End.
Siege House Siege House is a 10-storey block containing 70 dwellings.
Silver Street Silver Street ran parallel with Gold Street, though it was narrower
Silvester House Silvester House can be found on Varden Street.
Silwex House Residential block
Sims House Sims House is a block on Havering Street.
Skidmore Street Skidmore Street predated the Ocean Estate.
Sligo House Sligo House is a block on Beaumont Grove.
Sloane Apartments Sloane Apartments is sited on Old Castle Street.
Sly Street Sly Street commemorates R.S. Sly - member of the vestry of the parish of St George’s in the East.
Smith Street Because of the number of Smith Streets in London, the road became Smithy Street during the 1930s.
Smithfield Court Smithfield Court is located on Cable Street.
Smithy Street Smithy Street was called Smith Street until 1938.
Sol Frankel House Sol Frankel House is a block on Pedley Street.
Solander Gardens A street within the E1 postcode
Solebay Street Solebay Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Solent House Solent House is a block on Ben Jonson Road.
Solomon Way Solomon Way is a location in London.
Solway House Solway House is a block on Ernest Street.
Somerford Street Somerford Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Somerset House Somerset House is a block on New Road.
South Street South Street provided access from Brushfield Street into Spitalfields Market.
South Tenter Street South Tenter Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Sovereign House Sovereign House dates from 1970.
Soyeux Apartments Soyeux Apartments is a block on Scott Street.
Speck’s Fields Speck’s Fields led to the Crescent Foundry.
Spelman House Spelman House is a block on Spelman Street.
Spelman Street Spelman Street was formerly John Street and built up in the 19th century.
Spencer Street Spencer Street ran east-west north of Shadwell station.
Spencer Way A street within the E1 postcode
Spital Square Spital Square was started in 1733.
Spital Street Spital Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Spital Yard Spital Yard is a mews of 17th century origins, serving the backs of houses on Norton Folgate and Spital Square.
Splidts Street Splidts Street was formerly Splidts Terrace and before that, Cain’s Place.
Spring Walk Spring Walk is a road in the E1 postcode area
St Clements House St Clements House is a building on Leyden Street.
St Dunstans Mews St Dunstans Mews faces St Dunstan’s Churchyard.
St Faith’s House St Faith’s House is a block on Shandy Street.
St Mark Street St Mark Street was built on the old Goodman’s Fields.
St Mary Grace’s Court St Mary Grace’s Court is a building on Cartwright Street.
St Peters Court St Peters Court is sited on Cephas Street.
St Peters Road St Peters Road ran along the line of modern Cephas Avenue.
St Philip’s House St Philip’s House is located on Stepney Way.
St Thomas House St Thomas House is a block on East Arbour Street.
St. John’s Drive A street within the E1 postcode
Stable Walk Stable Walk is a location in London.
Standon House Standon House is a block on Mansell Street.
Star Street Star Street was, for a while, Planet Street.
Station House Station House can be found on Code Street.
Stayners Road Stayners Road connects the Mile End Road with Boyton Close.
Steeple Court Steeple Court is a block on Coventry Road.
Stepney Causeway Stepney Causeway is associated with Thomas John Barnardo, who opened his first shelter for homeless children at number 18.
Stepney City Apartments Stepney City Apartments is a former Victorian school, converted into flats.
Stepney Green Court Stepney Green Court was built in 1895.
Stepney Green Court Stepney Green Court is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Stepney Green Stepney Green was originally a 15th century row of houses near to St Dunstan’s church.
Stepney High Street Stepney High Street was previously the main street of Stepney.
Stepney Way Stepney Way is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Steward Street Steward Street ran further north originally that it does now.
Stifford House Stifford House is a block on Stepney Way.
Stockholm House Stockholm House is a building on Swedenborg Gardens.
Stocks Court Stocks Court is a building on Globe Road.
Stothard House Stothard House is located on Colebert Avenue.
Stothard Place Stothard Place is one of the streets of London in the EC2Mpostal area.
Stothard Street Stothard Street was named after a victim of Second World War bombing.
Strype Street John Strype, who became an antiquary, historian and parson was the son of a Huguenot weaver and born near here in 1643.
Stutfield Street Stutfield Street has existed since the early nineteenth century.
Stuttle House Stuttle House is a block on Buxton Street.
Sugar House Sugar House is a block on Leman Street.
Summercourt Road Summercourt Road is parallel with Commercial Road, one block north.
Sun Tavern Place Sun Tavern Place was not named directly after an inn but after Sun Tavern Fields, a ropewalk which it was built over.
Suntash Apartments Suntash Apartments can be found on Umberston Street.
Surma Close Surma Close is a road in the E1 postcode area
Sutton Street Sutton Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Swan Passage A street within the E1 postcode
Swan Place Swan Place was an old road absorbed during the nineteenth century into Sidney Street.
Swedenborg Gardens Swedenborg Gardens is a road in the E1 postcode area
Sydney House Sydney House is a block on the east side of Beaumont Square.
Symons House Symons House is a building on Alie Street.
Tait Street A street within the E1 postcode
Tannery House Tannery House is a block on Deal Street.
Tarbert Walk A street within the E1 postcode
Tarling Street Tarling Street appears on maps of 1832 and 1855 as Terling Street, and may have been named from the builder.
Tassaduq Ahmed House Tassaduq Ahmed House is a block on Pedley Street.
Tate Apartments Tate Apartments is a block on Sly Street.
Tea Building Tea Building is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Temple Court Temple Court can be found on Rectory Square.
Tent Street Tent Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Tenter Ground Tenter Ground is one of the notable streetnames of Spitalfields.
Textile House Textile House is a block on Duckett Street.
The Community Centre The Community Centre is a location in London.
The Old Montague Apartments The Old Montague Apartments is a block on Old Montague Street.
The Relay Building The Relay Building is a block on Commercial Street.
The Ship Apartments The Ship Apartments is a block on Hardinge Street.
The Steward Building The Steward Building can be found on Steward Street.
The Tea Building The Tea Building is a building on Shoreditch High Street.
The White Chapel Building The White Chapel Building is a block on Whitechapel High Street.
Thirza House Thirza House is a block on Devonport Street.
Thornwill House Thornwill House is a building on Martineau Street.
Thrawl Street Originally built by Henry Thrall around 1656, Thrawl Street ran east-west from Brick Lane across a former tenter field owned by the Fossan brothers, Thomas and Lewis.
Three Colts Corner Three Colts Corner is a road in the E2 postcode area
Three Colts Lane Three Colts Lane is one of the streets of London in the E2postal area.
Three Colts Lane Three Colts Lane is a road in the E1 postcode area
Tillman Street Tillman Street was redeveloped as part of the Bigland Estate around 1961.
Tillotson Street Tillotson Street was built on land belonging to Clare College, Cambridge.
Timberland Road Timberland Road is a road in the E1 postcode area
Timor House Timor House is a block on Duckett Street.
Toby Lane Toby Lane is a road in the E1 postcode area
Tollet Street Tollet Street was the home of George Lusk, leader of the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee.
Tottan Terrace Tottan Terrace is a pathway along the southern edge of the Belgrave Open Space.
Tower House Tower House is a block on Fieldgate Street.
Toynbee Street Toynbee Street, formerly Shepherd Street, was laid out in 1810-24 and redeveloped in 1927-36 as part of the London County Council’s Holland estate.
Trafalgar Gardens Trafalgar Gardens was previously Trafalgar Square until 1938.
Trahorn Close Trahorn Close is a road in the E1 postcode area
Tramway Court Tramway Court is a block on Candle Street.
Tree House Tree House is located on Jubilee Street.
Treves House Treves House is a block on Vallance Road.
Trinity Green Trinity Green is the nominal address of the Trinity Green Almshouses.
Trinity Mews Trinity Mews is a modern development.
Troon House Troon House is a block of flats situated west of White Horse Road.
Tulip Street Tulip Street is an old East End street.
Turner Street Turner Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Turnour House Turnour House is a block on Walburgh Street.
Twine Court Twine Court is an ancient turning leading off Cable Street.
Tylney House Tylney House is located on Nelson Street.
Tyne Street Tyne Street is a location in London.
Umberston Street Umberston Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Underwood Road Underwood Road is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Unicorn House Unicorn House can be found on Shoreditch High Street.
Union Drive Union Drive is a road in the E1 postcode area
Union Place Union Place was a small alleyway off Quaker Street.
Universal House Universal House is a block on Wentworth Street.
Upper John Street Upper John Street existed between the 1820s and 1871.
Vallance Road Vallance Road is a significant road running north-south from Bethnal Green Road to Whitechapel Road.
Varden Street Varden Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Varey House Varey House is a block on Westfield Way.
Vawdrey Close Vawdrey Close replaced an older street called Whitehead Street.
Vibeca Apartments Vibeca Apartments is a block on Chicksand Street.
Victoria Avenue This is a street in the EC2M postcode area
Victoria Court Victoria Court is a block on Cartwright Street.
Victoria House Victoria House is a block on Middlesex Street.
Vine Cottages Vine Cottages is the name of a 1960s block facing Jubilee Gardens.
Vine Court Vine Court is a small turning south from Whitechapel Road.
Vine Yard Vine Yard provided rear access to the Royal Cambridge Music Hall.
Vista Court Vista Court is a block on Bermuda Way.
Vogler House Vogler House is a 6-storey block containing 24 dwellings
Vollasky House Vollasky House is a block on Daplyn Street.
Walburgh Street A street within the E1 postcode
Walden Street Walden Street is a road in the E1 postcode area
Waley Street Commemorates Henry le Waleys or Waleis, mayor of London in 1273, 1281-3 and 1298.
Walford House Walford House is a block on Estate Road.
Walter Street Walter Street was swept away after the Second World War.
Walter Terrace Walter Terrace is a renaming of the southern end of Walter Street in 1939.
Waterfall House Waterfall House is a building on Toby Lane.
Watney Market A street within the E1 postcode
Watney Street Watney Street is the location for a famed East End street market.
Weaver Street Weaver Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Weddell House Weddell House, on the Ocean Estate, was built south of Ernest Street.
Wellclose Square Wellclose Square lies between Cable Street to the north and The Highway to the south.
Wellesley Street Wellesley Street was severely truncated post-war.
Welstead House Welstead House is a block on Cannon Street Road.
Wendt House Wendt House can be found on Shoreditch High Street.
Wentworth Street Wentworth Street runs east-west from the junction of Brick Lane, Osborn Street and Old Montague Street to Middlesex Street.
West Arbour Street West Arbour Street runs north from Commercial Road to Aylward Street.
West Tenter Street West Tenter Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
Westfield Way Westfield Way is a newer road which replaced a coal depot in the area.
Westport Street Westport Street runs north from Commercial Road.
Wetton House Wetton House overlooks the southern edge of Stepney Green Park.
Wexford House Wexford House is a 6-storey block containing 44 dwellings.
Wheler House Wheler House is a block on Quaker Street.
Wheler Street (south section) Wheler Street was split into two separate sections.
Wheler Street Wheler Street runs north from Commercial Street.
Whitby Street Whitby Street is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
White Church Lane White Church Lane is one of the streets of London in the E1postal area.
White Church Passage A street within the E1 postcode
White Hart Yard White Hart Court was built by Richard Brinckley in 1773.
White Horse Lane White Horse Lane originally meandered through the countryside, beginning its journey in Whitechapel and eventually converging with the similarly-named White Horse Street.
White Horse Road White Horse Road is an ancient lane, running to the east of St Dunstan’s church.
White Lion Street White Lion Street became part of Folgate Street in 1939.
White Tower Way White Tower Way was built in the area formerly occupied by gas works.
Whitechapel High Street Whitechapel High Street runs approximately west-east from Aldgate High Street to Whitechapel Road and is designated as part of the A11.
Whitechapel Market Whitechapel Market is a road in the E1 postcode area
Whitechapel Road Whitechapel Road is a major arterial road in East London.
Whitechapel Technology Centre Whitechapel Technology Centre is based in the East London Works.
Whitehead Street Union Street was renamed Whitehead Street in 1882.
Whites Row White’s Row is a narrow thoroughfare running east-west from Commercial Street to Crispin Street.
Whitman Road Whitman Road is one of the streets of London in the E3postal area.
Whittington Apartments Whittington Apartments is the name for a block of flats on East Arbour Street.
Wicker Street Most of Wicker Street was redeveloped as part of the Berner Estate.
Wickford House Wickford House is part of the 1948-built Cleveland estate.
Wickford Street Wickford Street was a new name for King Street.
Wickham Close Wickham Close is a modern cul-de-sac leading east off Jamaica Street.
Widegate Street Widegate Street is now a short street connecting Middlesex Street and Sandy’s Row.
Wilk Court Wilk Court was a courtyard off Great Pearl Street.
Wilkes Street Wilkes Street is a street of early eighteenth century houses, some of which were refronted in the early nineteenth century.
William Fry House William Fry House is a block on the corner of West Arbour Street and Aylward Street.
Willow Street Willow Street, once redeveloped, became Osier Street.
Wilson Tower Wilson Tower is a block on Christian Street.
Wilton Court Wilton Court is a block on Cavell Street.
Wingrad House Wingrad House is a block on the northern section of Jubilee Street.
Winterton House Winterton House is a block on Deancross Street.
Winterton Street In Stepney E1, Devonshire Street became Winterton Street in 1890.
Winthrop Street Winthrop Street was formerly a narrow street running east-west from Brady Street to Durward Street.
Wiverton Tower Wiverton Tower is a block on New Drum Street.
Wodeham Gardens Wodeham Gardens is a road in the E1 postcode area
Wolsey Street Wolsey Street is an old East End street of which a tiny remnant remains.
Wood’s Buildings Wood’s Buildings, a narrow passageway, extended north from Whitechapel Road and led to Winthrop Street.
Woodseer Street Woodseer Street was formerly known as Pelham Street and part of the Halifax Estate.
Wool House Wool House is a building on Back Church Lane.
Woollen House Woollen House is a block on Clark Street.
Workhouse Apartments Workhouse Apartments is a block on Feather Mews.
Wyllen Close Wyllen Close is the name of both a road and blocks to which the road leads.
Wynfrid House Wynfrid House is a block on Mulberry Street.
XX Place XX Place is one of the oddest street names that ever existed in London.
Yalford Street Yalford Street was the name for New Street after 1874.
Yule Court Yule Court was replaced by the Shadwell Gardens Estate during the 1970s.
Zion House Zion House is a residential building comprising 35 flats.

Pavilion Theatre The Pavilion Theatre at 191–193 Whitechapel Road was the first major theatre to open in the East End.
St Mary’s (Whitechapel Road) St Mary’s was a station on the Metropolitan Railway and the District Railway lines, located between Whitechapel and Aldgate East stations.
Vine Tavern The Vine Tavern was situated on a site in the middle of Mile End Road, theoretically at number 31.
Wickhams Wickhams was a department store on the north side of the Mile End Road in London.

Ada Lewis Court, E1 Ada Lewis Court is located on Underwood Road
Adelina Grove, E1 Adelina Grove became an estate for people displaced by the London Wool Exchange building in 1929 (Stepney)
Adelina Place, E1 Adelina Place was a very narrow side street of Adelina Grove (Stepney)
Amazon Street, E1 A street within the E1 postcode
Anne Goodman House, E1 Anne Goodman House is sited on Jubilee Street (Stepney Green)
Ansell House, E1 Ansell House was the first block built on the Sidney Estate (Stepney)
Antcliff Street, E1 Antcliff Street was probably built by William Antcliff of Newham Street (Stepney)
Antcliffe Street, E1 Antcliffe Street formerly ran off Bromehead Road (Stepney)
Anthony Street, E1 Anthony Street previously ran from Commercial Road through to Cable Street. Just a few metres survive (Stepney)
Armsby House, E1 Armsby House is a block on Stepney Way (Stepney)
Ashfield Street, E1 Ashfield Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Assembly Passage, E1 Assembly Passage is a long, cobbled walkway that leads from Mile End Road to Redmans Road (Stepney Green)
Athlone House, E1 Athlone House is a block on Sidney Street (Stepney)
Baker’s Row, E1 Baker’s Row became Vallance Road in 1896
Basil House, E1 Basil House is a block on Henriques Street
Bath Street, In Poplar E14, Ann’s Place became Bath Street in 1891 (Whitechapel)
Batty Street, E1 Batty Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Bearstead Court, E1 Bearstead Court is a block on Underwood Road
Beckett House, E1 Beckett House is part of a three block complex facing Jubilee Street (Stepney)
Bedford Square, E1 Bedford Square is an old East End square (Stepney)
Bedford Street, E1 Bedford Square, Shadwell was called Bedford Street after 1894 (Whitechapel)
Berry House, E1 Berry House is located on Headlam Street (Whitechapel)
Blackwood House, E1 Blackwood House is a block on Collingwood Street (Whitechapel)
BLSA Building, E1 BLSA Building is a block on Newark Street (Whitechapel)
Boisseau House, E1 Boisseau House is a block on Stepney Way (Stepney)
Booth House, E1 Booth House is a block on Whitechapel Road (Whitechapel)
Brady Street, E1 Brady Street is a road running north-south from Three Colts Lane to Whitechapel Road (Whitechapel)
Brayford Square, E1 Brayford Square is a small shopping area from 1978 (Stepney Green)
Bridgen House, E1 Bridgen House can be found on Philpot Street (Stepney)
Bromehead Road, E1 Bromehead Road is a location in London (Stepney)
Bromehead Street, E1 A vestige remains of Bromehead Street, formerly a main connecting street of the area (Stepney)
Burnham Thorpe Court, E1 Burnham Thorpe Court is a block on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Buross Street, E1 Buross Street runs south off Commercial Road (Stepney)
Cameron Place, Frederick Place was called Cameron Place after 1882 (Stepney)
Cannon Place, E1 Cannon Place is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Castlemain Street, E1 Castlemain Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Cavell House, E1 Cavell House is a block on Cavell Street (Stepney)
Cavell Street, E1 Cavell Street is a road in the E1W postcode area (Whitechapel)
Charlotte Court, Charlotte Court is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Chesworth Court, E1 Chesworth Court is one of the blocks grouped around Fulneck Place (Stepney Green)
Cheviot House, E1 Cheviot House is sited on Commercial Road (Stepney)
Chronos Building, E1 Chronos Building is a building on Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Clare Alexander House, E1 Clare Alexander House can be found on Turner Street (Whitechapel)
Clark Street, E1 Clark Street is a long and old street of Stepney (Stepney Green)
Cleveland Grove, E1 Cleveland Grove, a cul-de-sac, leads west from Cleveland Street (Stepney Green)
Cleveland Street, E1 Cleveland Street replaced the delightfully-named Red Cow Lane (Stepney Green)
Cleveland Way, E1 Cleveland Way commemorates the Wentworth family, lords of the manor of Stepney from 1550 and earls of Cleveland from 1626-67. (Stepney Green)
Clichy House, E1 Clichy House is a block on Stepney Way (Stepney)
Clovelly Way, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Stepney Green)
Coburg Dwellings, E1 Coburg Dwellings is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Stepney)
Coke Street, E1 Charles Street was renamed to Coke Street, E1 in 1882
Colefax Building, E1 Colefax Building is a block on Plumbers Row
Collingwood House, E1 Collingwood House is a block on Cambridge Heath Road (Whitechapel)
Colstead House, E1 Colstead House is a block on Watney Market (Stepney)
Colverson House, E1 Colverson House is a block on the Sidney Estate (Stepney)
Comfort House, E1 Comfort House is a block on Turner Street (Stepney)
Commercial Road, E1 Commercial Road is a major thoroughfare (the A13) running east-west from the junction of Burdett Road and East India Dock Road to Braham Street (Stepney)
Cornwood Drive, E1 Cornwood Drive runs off Jubilee Street (Stepney)
Court Street, E1 Court Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Cross Street, E1 Cross Street is an old East End street
Dagobert House, E1 Dagobert House is a block on Smithy Street (Stepney)
Damien Court, E1 Damien Court is a block on Damien Street (Stepney)
Damien Street, E1 Damien Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Stepney)
Darling Place, E1 Darling Place was merged into Darling Row (Whitechapel)
Darling Row, E1 Darling Row is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Davenant House, E1 Davenant House is a block on Old Montague Street
Davenant Street, E1 Davenant Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Dawson House, E1 Dawson House is a block on Walden Street (Whitechapel)
Delafield House, E1 Delafield House is a building on Umberston Street
Dempsey Street, E1 Dempsey Street was created before 1830 along with surrounding streets (Stepney Green)
Dickson House, E1 Dickson House is a building on Philpot Street (Stepney)
Drake House, E1 Drake House can be found on Stepney Way (Stepney)
Dron House, E1 Dron House is a block on Adelina Grove (Stepney)
Dundalk House, E1 Dundalk House faces Clark Street (Stepney Green)
Duru House, E1 Duru House is a block on Commercial Road
Durward Street, E1 Durward Street is a narrow thoroughfare running east-west from Brady Street to Baker’s Row (today’s Vallance Road) (Whitechapel)
East Cross Centre, E1 East Cross Centre is one of the streets of London in the E15 postal area (Stepney)
East Mount Street, E1 East Mount Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Edwards Passage, E1 Edwards Passage leads north off Mile End Road beside the Trinity Almshouses (Stepney Green)
Elan Court, E1 Elan Court is a block on Newark Street (Whitechapel)
Elektra House, E1 Elektra House is a block on Ashfield Street (Stepney)
Elizabeth Bates Court, E1 Elizabeth Bates Court is a block on Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Empire House, E1 Empire House is a block on New Road (Whitechapel)
Enterprise House, E1 A street within the E1 postcode
Epping Place, E1 Epping Place was an old name for the northernmost end of Sidney Street (Whitechapel)
Exmouth Court, E1 Exmouth Court appears on the 1900 map (Stepney Green)
Exmouth Place, E1 Exmouth Place is on the 1860 map (Stepney Green)
Exmouth Street, E1 Exmouth Street was largely destroyed during the Second World War and replaced by residential blocks on the Clicky Estate (Stepney)
Fenton Street, E1 Fenton Street runs south from Commercial Road (Stepney)
Fieldgate Mansions, E1 Fieldgate Mansions is a significant complex of tenement dwellings that was constructed between 1903 and 1907. (Whitechapel)
Fieldgate Street, E1 Fieldgate Street was once a lane leading across fields to St Dunstan’s Church (Whitechapel)
Flintlock Close, E1 Flintlock Close is a location in London (Stepney)
Floyer House, E1 Floyer House is a block on Philpot Street (Whitechapel)
Ford House, E1 Ford House is a block on Ford Square (Stepney)
Ford Square, E1 Ford Square is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Stepney)
Fordham Street, E1 Fordham Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Foster Street, E1 Foster Street may date from the 1830s (Whitechapel)
Fulbourne Street, E1 Fulbourne Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Fulneck Place, E1 Fulneck Place is a short cul-de-sac which runs under a modern arch (Stepney Green)
Furness Street , Furness Street is an old East End street
Gardom Street, E1 Gardom Street was a former street of Stepney (Stepney Green)
Garrod Building, E1 Garrod Building is a block on Turner Street (Whitechapel)
Gateway House, E1 Gateway House is a block on Cavell Street (Stepney)
Gray Street, Gray Street is an old East End street (Stepney)
Greenfield Road, E1 Greenfield Road is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Greenfield Street, E1 Greenfield Street is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Greenwich Court, E1 Greenwich Court is sited on Cavell Street (Stepney)
Grindall House, E1 Grindall House is a building on Collingwood Street (Whitechapel)
Grove Dwellings, E1 Grove Dwellings - in separate blocks - were built in 1910 on land leased from the Mercers company (Stepney)
Gwynne House, E1 Gwynne House is located on Turner Street (Whitechapel)
Halcrow Street, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Whitechapel)
Harvey House, E1 Harvey House is a block on Brady Street (Whitechapel)
Hawkins Street, E1 Hawkins Street is an old East End street, appearing on maps during the 1840s (Stepney)
Henriques Street, E1 Henriques Street was formerly called Berner Street
Henry Brierley House, E1 Henry Brierley House is a block on Varden Street (Stepney)
Hogarth Court, E1 Hogarth Court is a block on Batty Street
Horace Evans House, E1 Horace Evans House is a block on Ashfield Street (Whitechapel)
Hubert Ashton House, E1 Hubert Ashton House is a block on Varden Street (Stepney)
Hughes Mansions, E1 Hughes Mansions originally consisted of three roughly similar blocks containing 93 flats spread over the three buildings (Whitechapel)
Hunter Street, Hunter Street is an old East End street (Stepney)
Ivy House, E1 Ivy House is a block on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Jane Street, E1 Jane Street is now only a few yards long, with no houses (Stepney)
Jarman House, E1 Jarman House, Beckett House and Wingrand House were built as a single block on the Sidney Estate (Stepney)
Jean Pardies House, E1 Jean Pardies House is a block on Stepney Way (Stepney)
John Garnett House, E1 John Garnett House is located on Newark Street (Whitechapel)
John Harrison House, E1 John Harrison House is a block on Varden Street (Whitechapel)
John Pritchard House, E1 John Pritchard House is sited on Buxton Street
Johns Place, E1 Despite a post-war expansion of the road name, Johns Place is an older street of Stepney (Stepney)
Joscoyne House, E1 Joscoyne House is a block on Philpot Street (Stepney)
Joseph Street, Joseph Street is an old East End street (Stepney)
Jubilee Mansions, E1 Jubilee Mansions is a block built by Stepney Borough Council between the wars (Stepney Green)
Jubilee Street, E1 Jubilee Street was built off the then-new Commercial Road and named to commemorate the Jubilee of George III in 1810. (Stepney Green)
Kempton Court, E1 Kempton Court is a block on Durward Street, built in 1995 (Whitechapel)
Kent House, E1 Kent House is a block on Varden Street (Whitechapel)
Kerry House, E1 Kerry House is a block on the southern part of the Sidney Estate (Stepney)
Key Close, E1 Key Close lies off Cambridge Heath Road (Stepney Green)
Le Moal House, E1 Le Moal House is a block on Stepney Way (Stepney)
Leigh House, E1 Leigh House is a block on Halcrow Street (Whitechapel)
Levitas House, E1 Levitas House are flats situated on Jubilee Street, dating from 2020 (Stepney Green)
Lindley House, E1 Lindley House is a block on Lindley Street (Stepney)
Lindley Street, E1 Lindley Street first appeared on a Stepney map during the 1840s (Stepney)
Lisbon Street, Lisbon Street is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
Lister House, E1 Lister House is located on Lomas Street (Whitechapel)
Little Collingwood Street, E1 Little Collingwood Street once ran parallel with Collingwood Street (Whitechapel)
Lomas Street, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Whitechapel)
Longford House, E1 Longford House is a one of a number of Irish county themed blocks dating from the late 1950s (Stepney)
Louise De Marillac House, E1 Louise De Marillac House is a block on Jubilee Street (Stepney)
Maples Place, E1 Cannon Place became Maples Place in 1938 (Whitechapel)
Marden House, E1 Marden House is located on Batty Street
Mariana Court, E1 Mariana Court is a block on Assembly Passage (Stepney)
Marshgate House, E1 Marshgate House is a building on Bromehead Street (Stepney)
Matcham Court, E1 Matcham Court is a block on Hannibal Road (Stepney Green)
Mayo House, E1 Mayo House is a block on Lindley Street (Stepney)
Mellish House, E1 Mellish House is a block on Varden Street (Stepney)
Merceron Street, E1 Merceron Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Milward Street, E1 Milward Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Mocatta House, E1 Mocatta House is a block on Brady Street (Whitechapel)
Moss Close, E1 A street within the E1 postcode (Whitechapel)
Mount Terrace, E1 Mount Terrace is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Mullan House, E1 Mullan House is a block on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Musbury Street, E1 Musbury Street is a street of post-war blocks of flats (Stepney Green)
Myrdle Court, E1 Myrdle Court is a block on Myrdle Street
Myrdle Street, E1 Myrdle Street leads south from Fieldgate Street (Whitechapel)
Nelson Street, E1 Nelson Street runs between New Road and Cavell Street (Stepney)
New Road, E1 New Road is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Newark Street, E1 Newark Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Newbold Cottages, E1 Newbold Cottages is a block in Stepney (Stepney Green)
Newbold Street, E1 First appearing on the 1870 map, Newbold Street disappeared during the post-war rebuilding of the area (Stepney Green)
Nijjer House, E1 Nijjer House is a block on Commercial Road (Stepney)
Nottingham Place, E1 Nottingham Place is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
O’Leary Square, E1 O’Leary Square is a development of the Sidney Estate (Stepney)
Oasis Court, E1 Oasis Court is a block on Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Odette Duval House, E1 Odette Duval House is a 9-storey block containing 52 dwellings (Stepney)
Oxford Street, Green Street was renamed to Oxford Street, E1 in 1867 (Whitechapel)
Pacific Court, E1 Pacific Court is a building on Assembly Passage (Stepney)
Painter House, E1 Painter House is a block on Sidney Street (Stepney)
Parfett Street, E1 Parfett Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Park House, E1 Park House is a block on Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Pauline House, E1 Pauline House is a block on Old Montague Street
Pereira Street, E1 Pereira Street ran north/south in Bethnal Green (Whitechapel)
Peter Best House, E1 Peter Best House can be found on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Philpot Street, E1 Philpot Street commemorates the prominent local family of Philpot or Philipot; (Stepney)
Porchester House, E1 Porchester House is sited on Varden Street (Whitechapel)
Princes Street, E1 Princes Street was a former name for the northern section of Dempsey Street (Stepney)
Proud House, E1 Proud House is a block on Amazon Street
Queen Street, E1 In 1883, King Street, E1 became Queen Street, E1
Rampart Street, E1 Rampart Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Stepney)
Raven Row, E1 Raven Row appears in 1832, probably named for the builder. (Whitechapel)
Recurrence Apartments, E1 Recurrence Apartments is located on Commercial Road (Stepney)
Red Cow Lane, E1 Red Cow Lane was an ancient Stepney thoroughfare linking Dog Row with Mile End Road (Stepney Green)
Redmill House, E1 Redmill House is a block on Headlam Street (Whitechapel)
Regal Close, E1 Regal Close is a road in the E1 postcode area
Richard Street, E1 Richard Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Stepney)
Richardson Street, E1 Richardson Street ran from Lindley Street to Wolsey Street (Stepney)
Romford Street, E1 Romford Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Rope Walk Gardens, E1 Rope Walk Gardens is a location in London
Ropewalk Gardens, EC1M Ropewalk Gardens is a location in London
Ruby House, E1 Ruby House is located on Myrdle Street
Russell Street, E1 Little Russell Street became Russell Street in 1864 (7996) (Whitechapel)
Rutland Street, New Rutland Street was given the name Rutland Street, E1 in 1864 (Stepney)
Sambrook House, E1 Sambrook House is a block on Stepney Way (Stepney)
Sandhurst House, E1 Sandhurst House can be found on Wolsey Street (Stepney)
Selby Street, E1 Selby Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Settles Street, E1 Settles Street links Fieldgate Street with Commercial Road
Sidney Square, E1 Sidney Square is an old square dating from the 1820s (Stepney Green)
Sidney Street, E1 Sidney Street is a notably historic street of the East End (Stepney)
Siege House, E1 Siege House is a 10-storey block containing 70 dwellings (Stepney)
Silvester House, E1 Silvester House can be found on Varden Street (Stepney)
Sly Street, E1 Sly Street commemorates R.S. Sly - member of the vestry of the parish of St George’s in the East. (Stepney)
Smith Street, E1 Because of the number of Smith Streets in London, the road became Smithy Street during the 1930s (Stepney)
Smithy Street, E1 Smithy Street was called Smith Street until 1938 (Stepney)
Somerset House, E1 Somerset House is a block on New Road (Stepney)
Spring Walk, E1 Spring Walk is a road in the E1 postcode area
St Mary Street, St Mary Street is an old East End street (Whitechapel)
St Philip’s House, E1 St Philip’s House is located on Stepney Way (Whitechapel)
Stepney City Apartments, E1 Stepney City Apartments is a former Victorian school, converted into flats (Stepney Green)
Stepney Green Court, E1 Stepney Green Court is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Stepney Way, E1 Stepney Way is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Stepney)
Stifford House, E1 Stifford House is a block on Stepney Way (Stepney Green)
Suntash Apartments, E1 Suntash Apartments can be found on Umberston Street
Swan Place, E1 Swan Place was an old road absorbed during the nineteenth century into Sidney Street (Stepney)
Tate Apartments, E1 Tate Apartments is a block on Sly Street (Stepney)
Tower House, E1 Tower House is a block on Fieldgate Street (Whitechapel)
Trahorn Close, E1 Trahorn Close is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Tree House, E1 Tree House is located on Jubilee Street (Stepney)
Treves House, E1 Treves House is a block on Vallance Road (Whitechapel)
Trinity Green, E1 Trinity Green is the nominal address of the Trinity Green Almshouses (Stepney Green)
Trinity Mews, E1 Trinity Mews is a modern development (Stepney)
Turner Street, E1 Turner Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Whitechapel)
Tylney House, E1 Tylney House is located on Nelson Street (Stepney)
Umberston Street, E1 Umberston Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Underwood Road, E1 Underwood Road is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area
Underwood Street, In Stepney E1, Albert Place became Underwood Street in 1883
Upper Fenton Street, Upper Fenton Street is an old East End street (Stepney)
Vallance Road, E1 Vallance Road is a significant road running north-south from Bethnal Green Road to Whitechapel Road. (Whitechapel)
Varden Street, E1 Varden Street is one of the streets of London in the E1 postal area (Stepney)
Vawdrey Close, E1 Vawdrey Close replaced an older street called Whitehead Street (Stepney Green)
Vine Cottages, E1 Vine Cottages is the name of a 1960s block facing Jubilee Gardens (Stepney Green)
Vine Court, E1 Vine Court is a small turning south from Whitechapel Road (Whitechapel)
Walden Street, E1 Walden Street is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Wexford House, E1 Wexford House is a 6-storey block containing 44 dwellings (Stepney)
White Hart Yard, E1 White Hart Court was built by Richard Brinckley in 1773 (Whitechapel)
Whitechapel Market, E1 Whitechapel Market is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Whitechapel Road, E1 Whitechapel Road is a major arterial road in East London (Whitechapel)
Whitehead Street, E1 Union Street was renamed Whitehead Street in 1882 (Stepney Green)
Wilton Court, E1 Wilton Court is a block on Cavell Street (Whitechapel)
Wingrad House, E1 Wingrad House is a block on the northern section of Jubilee Street (Stepney)
Winthrop Street, E1 Winthrop Street was formerly a narrow street running east-west from Brady Street to Durward Street (Whitechapel)
Wodeham Gardens, E1 Wodeham Gardens is a road in the E1 postcode area (Whitechapel)
Wolsey Street, E1 Wolsey Street is an old East End street of which a tiny remnant remains (Stepney)
Wood’s Buildings, E1 Wood’s Buildings, a narrow passageway, extended north from Whitechapel Road and led to Winthrop Street. (Whitechapel)
Woollen House, E1 Woollen House is a block on Clark Street (Stepney Green)
Workhouse Apartments, E1 Workhouse Apartments is a block on Feather Mews (Whitechapel)
Yalford Street, E1 Yalford Street was the name for New Street after 1874 (Whitechapel)
Zion House, E1 Zion House is a residential building comprising 35 flats (Stepney Green)

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